scott mims
replying to what wilbur is trying to get across to me. he knows me pretty well (we were traveling buddies for a while). i tend to "JUMP" into things without thinking things through and with our sport and as expensive as it is we need to be careful by buying the next "fix" to our problems. he was saying he beat/ got beat ect by people using different things. very true. but its got to be a reason that aggs. are the way they are now. better barrels, bullets ect. but and i mean a big BUT...... do we not give credit to whats going on at the reloading table with all of this weighing thats going on now? its got to play some part in the aggs. being what they are. i know everything works together in what we do. good load bad barrel= bad group. bad load good barrel= bad group (never thought i would say that)
bad action good action, bad scope good scope ect ect ect...... its just the more i think about it i could have the best equipment from everyone but if my load varies to much is my "best equipment" going to be able to do its part? im still in the camp that a good barrel can make you look like you know what your doing and im sure a good barrel can cover up "some" load technique. but if everyone went to weighing every load to the nth degree would aggs. even come down more?...... if everyone could read conditions