Changes in Maine

Pete Wass

Well-known member
For those who haven't heard or gleaned from the schedule, the IR 50/50 matches at CCR&P Maine this year will be a 3 gun agg in the morning with Unlimited to follow. This format is new and we hope it will be successful. There will be a brief practice for the first relay in each class at the beginning of the day beginning at 9:00. We will begin the matches at 10:00 or sooner, if we can. Those who contest Unlimited only will be able to sign up before the beginning of the first Unlimited match.

I'm curious on the thought process for mixing the 3gun and Unlimited?
Not questioning the decision, just wondering about the reasons.

When I was first considering my schedule this year, the original plan was to run a 3gun, followed by an Unlimited.
After talking to several folks and soliciting feedback, we decided to run double matches, and alternate monthly between 3gun and Unlimited.

Several felt this would make lugging equipment easier.
You wouldn't need a spotting scope or extra rifles during the unlimited months.
For those that like to use both 1 and 2 piece rests, you would only have to bring one or the other.
Having 2 3guns on the same day makes it more attractive to those who might be chasing list points.
Having 2 unlimiteds on the same day might make it more attractive to those that don't have 3gun eligible guns (newbies??)

Once again, not criticizing anyone's decision.
Just curious why.

Would also like to hear from other match directors.
Also curious what shooters opinions might be.
Jeff: I kind of like your idea! Never thought of it that way, and have not shot such a venue. Carrying both rests is not a big deal. Shooting six cards on the same day in UL might get you more shooters, which is always a good thing.

I have to drive long distances to shoot any targets, and will not drive 4 + hours one way for three cards. I suspect there are others like me. Six cards, sure I'd consider the windshield time. bob
That's how we do it at Wawarsing, Wallkill, and Salem NY clubs and have for years. I've never heard of any problems or complaints.
The majority of clubs I have shot at have offered 3 gun in the morning and Unlimited in the afternoon. Many clubs are limited on the numbers of dates available to hold events so I guess they try to accomodate everyone. Personally, I prefer to shoot double 3 gun and could care less if I ever shot another Unlimite match, but that's just me. I use my 10.5 rifle for all of the non-sporter classes, as I guess most folks do. I have equiped my automobile for shooting so carrying shooting equipment isn't an issue for me. I guess one could say Benchrest is the first consideration in my life.

I don't know, the double match thing sounds interesting all the same and merits discussion. I'll see what the participants we get want to do. Perhaps $4.00. gas will change some thinking.
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Thanks for your thoughts. I've been running 3-gun followed by UL for our matches in Southampton, MA. I also run the 3-Gun State Match.

In order to meet the 5 match SOTY rules, I could run double UL's for two weekends in the season and then double 3-Guns on two other weekends; and then one final weekend with a 3-Gun and UL. I'll bring up the idea with the shooters who regularly attend the Southampton matches and maybe try it out next year.
We've been throwing this idea around up here in Mass.... one problem that was brought up was that if a person misses a day of double 3-gun or double UL, they are immediately out of the race for SOTY, since a shooter has to complete at least 4 SOTY matches.

By the IR 5050 rules, a club can only hold 2 SOTY matches a month, so for us in New England, the shooting season is a bit short to hold more matches than we already do.

so basicly when traveling to a match it's way to much equipment to haul by adding a sporter class gun and a one piece rest to add to the pile, If I'm going to a double 3 gun match and I have some emergency come up and can't make the match I just threw myself out of any soty points because I wont have enough matches in at that range. so if that's the case why even bother to go to any other match there and waste my expensive ammo for nothing. If you run 3 gun in am and unlimited in the pm then if something comes up, at least you can make the other four dates and still be in the standings. if you run double matches and miss a date, your screwed.
Missing one match and being ineligible for club championships was a big part of our reason at Ridge Rifle. Plus when you get older the eyes are not as good in the afternoon sporter sometimes. You have 2 list for HOF points and this will help you get both if you shoot well. If you are having a bad day you will have 2 bad days in doubles.