I understand that some didn't know that they weren't qualified. I get it. But I don't think that really matters. It's ultimately the buyer who has to ask themselves, "can I afford this house". If your bringing home $3000 a month, and sign mortagage papers that indicate your monthly payment is $2500 a month, well, that's just stupid.
It goes back to being responsible for ones own actions. Nobody made you sign the paperwork.
Nailed it. 100% correct.
Owning up to one's responsibilities is what helped shape America, and can still be the salvation of this once proud country. But when the government is "leading" the way in irresponsible behavior, and the hordes to whom they pander follow suit, then it's probably tipped too far to be corrected.
Nobody owes you sh*t, people. Either pay your own way, or starve. You're not entitled to anything you didn't earn. And being disadvantaged, or a certain skin color (or half a certain skin color), or having a mean drunk parent, or any of the ever-growing litany of 'VICTIM' categories doesn't buy you anything. Maybe a little sympathy, but that's VOLUNTARY, in a sane world.
If you default on your credit cards or mortgage or whatever debt is involved, then you stuck the rest of us with it. Think that's okay? It's not. The government FORCES the rest of us to pay for your sorry stories. Tally up your (forced) Social Security contributions sometime. Then calculate how long it will be until you've spent that money -- after the government decides you can have it. Once you've spent what you contributed, should you get more? Hell no. But chances are, you will. Think that's okay? It's not. It's the biggest pyramid scheme ever perpetrated in human history. Makes Bernie Madoff look like an amateur. You're stealing from your own kids, and their kids, and the shrinking percentage of people who pay into this RACKET.
There's a guy on a street corner near a restaurant where I like to eat once in a while. He sleeps on the sidewalk there. If I see him, on occasion I'll walk over and give him money, or a blanket. Because I want to. Not because I'm forced to. I pat him on the back, and say "here you go brother". That's my choice. Government should have no role in that. None. Charity should be privately and voluntarily funded.
If you've stuck the rest of us with your debt welching, the least you can do is say "thanks" and try to pay it back. Every damn dollar. Of course, because the government forcibly takes so much of YOUR money, it could be that paying back what you owe is nearly impossible for some situations. And if you vote for more government and more taxes, then you're the enemy. It's legalized robbery. But that doesn't make it right.
Want to smoke and drink and ride a motorcycle without a helmet? Go for it. Just don't ask me, or anybody else, to pay for the consequences. Want to play 'periscope up' with the other fellas in the bath house after watching "Hello Dolly" in a matinee? Fine. Just don't ask me to pay for the consequences. See the pattern here?
The government isn't your friend. The government is the fat bully who takes your lunch money. Fight back. Spit in the face of liberalism and government overreach. These smug sh*theads are destroying your country.