Cataract Surgery

I've had fairly serious eye problems since early '09 (macular edema). The retina in the right eye (I'm left handed and left eyed, thankfully) precludes sharp vision with my right eye in the center of the field of vision, and the retina specialist thought that cataract surgery would be a waste. My regular ophthalmologist disagreed and said that although it might not improve my vision quantitatively it could improve it qualitatively. Not only has my vision in the right eye improved quantitatively from 20/400 to 20/80, my depth perception has improved considerably. As in I don't scare the daylights out of my wife as badly when I'm driving, but it keeps her blood flowing.

If anyone notices any changes in their eyesight that lasts more than a day, get yourself to an ophthalmologist, not an optometrist, and have your eyes checked. If things are blurry, and straight lines appear crooked or weaving have an ultrasound picture taken of your retina, and keep complaining or changing doctors until you get it done. The vision in my right eye might well have been saved or be much better than it is if I'd followed that advice. Being virtually blind in one eye is a major aggravation.
Well, I finally decided to try to be able to see clearly again so scheduled having my Cataracts removed. As it turns out, several of my shooting friends are doing the same right now. Pete

Good on ya Pete. I had mine done Sept & Oct of 2012. 20/20 in both eyes. Lenses are corrected for distance. I use cheepie ($5.00) reading glasses from Wal Mart. Just use them to read and for the computer. Close stuff.

How's colors.

Good on ya Pete. I had mine done Sept & Oct of 2012. 20/20 in both eyes. Lenses are corrected for distance. I use cheepie ($5.00) reading glasses from Wal Mart. Just use them to read and for the computer. Close stuff.

How's colors.


No problem with colors Rooah.
Second one done Wednesday

Had my one day checkup today and had a good result with my second eye. Will have 20-20 in both eyes, it looks like. The second or right one seems a bit better than the first one or left. got them cheaters already! Just for kicks I got my Sporter and focused the reticle, WOW! Paridise Regained :).

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Had my one day checkup today and had a good result with my second eye. Will have 20-20 in both eyes, it looks like. The second or right one seems a bit better than the first one or left. got them cheaters already! Just for kicks I got my Sporter and focused the reticle, WOW! Paridise Regained :).


Glad to hear all's well Pete! But, am I to understand that on 4 of the last 6 targets you shot with the Turbo that were 250's (I think) were done with eye issues & a riflle out of tune??? GEEZ.....
Mine's tomorrow

Doing my right eye tomorrow and the left two weeks later. I have something called Map Dot dystrophy that means that they can only use the standard lens in my eye. We'll see how good the results will be.
Not so good

Had mine done today. Did not know what to expect. Right now the eye is much worse than going in and unusable. The computer screen is a large blob with that eye. We'll see how it is in the morning. Unfortunately it was my rifle shooting eye.
My wife had hers done a couple of years ago. When I brought her home her vision was quite clear. As I said, I don't know what to expect so I'm just hoping for the best.
Had mine done today. Did not know what to expect. Right now the eye is much worse than going in and unusable. The computer screen is a large blob with that eye. We'll see how it is in the morning. Unfortunately it was my rifle shooting eye.

First day results are highly variable--ranging from clear vision to everything very fuzzy. It took several days for my first eye to have clear vision. Second eye was great within hours.

Hopefully your ophthalmologist had you on eye drops 2 days before surgery. The steroid drops (Pred Forte or Lotemax) 3X per day for a month really help. Nevanac for a month reduces swelling of the retina that sometimes happens. Antibiotic drops like Zymaxid for a week are SOP.

Hang in there--you'll be surprised at the improvement in a week. If you're not satisfied after 2 weeks, delay doing your second eye. There's no rush.