cant i make my own 10/22



Hi friends,cant I just pick a barrel,stock,kidd trigger etc..and put it a 10/22 together? are the parts interchangable? will they fit good,will it be accurate,or will I need a smith to tweek it? Thanks for your help.:D
Hi friends,cant I just pick a barrel,stock,kidd trigger etc..and put it a 10/22 together? are the parts interchangable? will they fit good,will it be accurate,or will I need a smith to tweek it? Thanks for your help.:D
....Check at have all the info on 10-22 that you could want......and most all the parts are user easy to install......only the action requires a FFL transaction .....and they are also available aftermarket......hth..good luck and good shooting!!
Yes, you can do this, and has a whole section of forums dedicated to doing this. They will cover everything from choosing barrels, stocks, bedding, trigger groups, or cheap trigger fixes, that crew knows all kinds of stuff. If you throw enough money at a 10/22 you can get it to shoot pretty well. Good Luck
Hi friends,cant I just pick a barrel,stock,kidd trigger etc..and put it a 10/22 together? are the parts interchangable? will they fit good,will it be accurate,or will I need a smith to tweek it? Thanks for your help.:D

If you want an accurate 10/22 and are good with your hands and have some common sense, it should be fun. But for what you will have invested, I'd put my money into a decent bolt action or an AR15 22 RF upper.

why not a 10/22 also

thanks friends,well I have several good bolts,so I thought it would be fun to have something different. I heard that the .51 100 yard world record was done with a 10/22? :confused:
10-22 headaches

I am building my 2nd 10-22.
I learned a lot with my first. Mainly, you don't have to spend a lot of money. Keep your eyes open for sales and other discouraged would be 10-22 owners. Many think you can simply bolt on a "Match" barrel and stock and start shooting. You end up with a somewhat more accurate rifle that won't run. After tuning and tweaking for about a year off and on I finally got my first 10-22 running and more accurate.
I had an older 5000 round plus rifle. I used an on sale Green Mountain barrel, $89. a Hogue rubber coated stock, $69. on sale. I then installed the drop in Power custom trigger kit. about 60 to 80 bucks, which dropped the trigger from over 8 pounds to 2.6 pounds. Sharp extractor with spring, and finally a new recoil spring and guide rod. The rifle shoots fairly well with Federal Auto Match. This is a supersonic load in my rifle and shoots under an inch at 50 when I shoot using an improvised rest. I just got it running and will soon shoot real accuracy tests with different ammo. It is hard to find a match load low velocity load, which will function the rifle with a recoil spring that is strong enough to chamber and engrave the bullet into the rifling.. I installed an aftermarket power firing pin which has a different profile. I also corrected the headspace in the bolt from .048 inches to .046. This is supposed to reduce the slop and improve accuracy.
The second rifle I just started is a new rifle. I bought a Kimber match barrel and laminated stock with the big barrel channel for $100 from a guy who couldn't get his rifle to run. I plan on the same treatment to tune.
The biggest thing I saw to tune for reliability is to install the bolt with extractor before tightening the barrel. With the extractor in the extractor groove of the barrel, twist the loose barrel back and forth to make sure the extractor is in the center of the groove on the barrel. This will reduce the chances for the extractor to drag and slow down the bolt speed. This one thing increased function the most.
Good luck.
Don H.
trust me buy a bolt gun. your money ahead. the 10/22's are over rated and under par. they belong in a class with other auto loaders. there they rule. in classes with bolt guns they can't keep up. it's funny how everybody brags about them and when you take somebody to the range with you and they brake out the feared 10/22 and at the end of the day the have nothing but excuses, it just backs up my point. i've done it several times with my old rifle. this new one is even better than my old one.
Do you know where this "World Record" was shot and when, the score sheet I have from a registered shoot last year shows a group of .327 at 100 yds., but not shot with a 10/22, it was shot with a single shot Schuetzen rifle.

thanks friends,well I have several good bolts,so I thought it would be fun to have something different. I heard that the .51 100 yard world record was done with a 10/22? :confused:
thanks possumpopper!

you saved me lots of time! fun to learn and yea,I dont have to go broke. As far as the world record 100 yard shot,I saw the rifle in rimfire central,there are so many threads I cant find it.But there was a photo of it too,a beautiful :)gun! Thanks everyone for your help,tjoe.
attn singleshot

I found the gun that says world record. Go to rimfire central,click the volquartsen thread/post, then there is a thread that says, "lets see some pics" go to page 2,there it is,let me know what you think,thanks,Joe.
i looked at the rifles you was talking about. it's easy to find out if he was telling the truth. just look up the info on here. i truely don't think the world record was shot by a 10/22. they are nice rifles and a great stepping stone into br rimfire shooting. go to matches and see how they stand up to bolt guns. the reason i have mine is i was shooting with about 15 friends and was using a blt gun. after about a month of beating them i was told i couldn't use a bolt gun anymore. that was 5 years ago. it was a group of us shooting as friends, and they learned that even a slightly worked over bolt gun was way better than a 10/22 with all the stops pulled out. i have my 10/22 with a green mountain match barrel, kid trigger, and a after market bolt in it. it shoot ok but for the money i was better off buying a 40x or a suhl. you can easily put over a $1200 in one and not be anyplace near a bolt gun of half the price.
i just asked chiefdave to post where he shot his record. i also just noticed it was a .17 caliber rifle, not a .22lr. there is a big difference there. i don't think there are any sanctioned classes for .17 caliber rimfires now. i could be wrong. they don't make match rounds for the .17 rimfires yet. you can't shoot a hm2 or hmr in a class with a .22lr. i was looking for the record holders in .22lr 100 yard 5 shot groups and they are not anyplace near the .0's.
ahhh haaaa

very observant my stout fello! The ammo box does look like 17 in the photo. Then I say big deal! My 17 lvt cooper does 1/2 to 5/8 on a lucky day at 100 with rem ammo and a vx111 lepold 20 power...thanks,Joe. I will watch what chief dave says,remeber,inocent till proven otherwise.. ;)
I've been shooting 22 RF's at 100 yds for many years with good target rifles like Winchester 52's, Remington 40 X's, and Anschutz 54's, using the best match ammo, all I can say is any 22 Rimfire group shot at 100 yds in the 0's in any kind of "registered" match, which is the only way a "World Record" should be accepted, is either extreme LUCK and will NOT be repeated, or just Advertising BS.
A .059 group for 5 shots with any RF at 100 yds is just not going to happen. I would bet it cant be done again, especially with a RF semi.
Some People

just want the attention. He's full of it, I'd bet it was at a so called barnyard shoot with no one watching. It for sure wasn't at a sanctioned NBRSA or ARG registered match or championship.
is there a sanctioned class for .17 caliber rimfires? i truely think chiefDave is blowing smoke signals!! my suhl won't shoot those groups at 100 yards and i'm still in the testing indoors at 25 yards. my worked over hmr won't shoot but 1/4 inch groups at 100 yards and it is really worked over and a bolt gun. 1/4 inch is also the best it's done. not by anymeans the average group. 3/8 to 1/2 is about average on the best of days. if the wind is blowing nobody has a clue as to were it is ganna hit:D!!
i did

Now the only thing I have to say,and I admit luck played a factor in it,maybe the breeze threw 2 on the spot that maybe would have landed an inch away,but i swear I have the target right here, 1/2 at 100,using a kimber svt,and also some 3/4 to 7/8ths too. I know I am setting myself up for attack,but thats fine,I live out un the country,and I get bored! Texas,Joe.
Nothing wrong with living out in the country, I also live out in the country. ;-), Also nothing wrong with shooting a 1/2 at a 100 using a Kimber, but we are talking .059 at a 100 with a semi, I still say no way.
Maybe Possible?

I don't know if Chief Dave really shot this "record" group or not. My son had a lucky 0.043" 5 shot group at 50 yards with his 10/22 bench gun during an indoor match. Now his group was with .22lr so I would think an equally lucky grouping with .17 at 100 yards could yield a result like Chief Dave is posting.
I can understand a .043 at 50 yds "indoor", no wind.

Seems like "Chief Dave" isnt saying much about this "World Record", maybe he's busy, but when he has time maybe he will tell us where we can go to try an shoot a world record group. It would be fun trying to brake his
.059 record.