"Bolt Click"

The one detail that you might want to consider is that the chamber swells up and snaps back when a high pressure load is fired, so the brass and the steel move together, but the brass does not snap back all the way to where it started. The steel does. Also, the solid portion of the case head is largely or entirely unsupported by the chamber. When it swells in diameter, it takes the case wall immediately forward of it with it, and gives it great support at that new dimension. A long time ago, I remember an article by an experienced gunsmith that said that he was not able to load a model 70 (1" tenon") to as high of a pressure as a model 700 (1 1/16" tenon), using the point where the bolt got sticky as a guide for the upper pressure limit of the rifle (hunting loads).

Added later: I forgot that this was for a large belted magnum. I do not think that this is an issue with calibers that have a smaller body diameter. Along this same line, Savage has increased the tenon diameter of many of their actions. I believe that this was done to give more meat around larger diameter cases.
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I coined the term "seasoning" as applied to cartridge brass to describe for myself the process of brass work-hardening under firing pressure. It has been my experience that brass which has been fired a few times is harder and more springy than new..... including the casehead. My goal is/has been to "season" brass during the fireforming process such that I can use this propensity to positive effect, get it to harden up where I want it VS having to be somehow "fixed.".

concerning 1,2 and3..... I'll share my opinion.

#1, blowing out around the belt. UGLY but I can't see the safety problem.

#2, OK and

#3, how fat??? .004 is better than less, IMO .003 WILL hang up, but why not .005? The only mechanical hangup is the bolt face recess.

Important thing is, THE CASEHEAD WILL GROW if you shoot hot. And you can't contain it.

deal with it. :D

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I coined the term "seasoning" ... al

Origin: 1505–15; season + -ing

My goodness, al, that would make you at least 520 years old :eek: assuming you came up with that word when you were say 15 years old. :D
OK Al, I'll bite. What else can it be? Tell us more.

Hi Boyd. Sorry for my tardy reply, as I was out of town for a few days.

What I mean is that there are too many things at work to say that 'the click' is caused only by back end case/chamber fit issues. The type of action, how the bolt cams open (across radiused surfaces or on an 'edge', for example), how much mechanical camming is being used, etc. are just a few of the pieces of the puzzle.

The three 30BR's that live here are all chambered with the same reamer. Two of the three have similar actions from the same mfg. and use the same die setup. But #3 is a shorter action of stainless steel and it needs more sizing 'up front' and in the middle of the case body.

A stripped bolt and a black Sharpie can be your best friend. ;) :) -Al
Al (notinwa) Nyhus,

Could it be that the "different" action uses a smaller tenon?

al (inwa) Matson
Could it be that the "different" action uses a smaller tenon?

Hi, Al. The tenon diameters are the same, though the thread pitch is different.

I like to size pretty aggresively and don't propose super tight back ends on chambers, but there's more to it than just clearance.....though more clearance is the quickest way to end run the issue. Pun intended....;)

Good shootin'. :) -Al (notinwabutintheForbiddenZone)
I'm with Al (NIW)

I find in all of the 30 BR chambers I have the area just behind the shoulder/body junction don't seem to spring back well and some caes don't spring back a bit below that junction.

I wondered is perhaps with "Standard" chambers( do they exist?) the "Standard sizing ability be increased to .004 instead of .003, if that is what it is. This would mean making the entire hole in the die .004 smaller than the reamer size?

Or, reamer makers do what ALINWA suggests and just make the big end /005 bigger, paying attention to the front situation behind the shoulder junction. I think every chamber I have had in rifles has not been truly compatable with dies availabel and or some Custom dies I have had made.

ALSO, recently I have discovered that by using off the shelf Small Base Dies, I can take the click away. It requires the extra step of first using the Small Base die. Why don't die makers simply make all their dies "Small Base"? I have actually seen a Small Base Die shave brass off a case butt so they do work. Onew would think reamer makers would want their reamers to work with off the shelf dies, wouldn't ya?
Stop the click

Call Gene Bukys and buy one of his dies. I had a set of brass that started clicking last April in a match. Brady Knight loaned me a die he had bought from Gene, and I later bought it from him. It stopped the clicking, and I am still shooting the same brass here in October. It obviously is resizing the web of the case a great deal more than any other die I've ever used.

I ordered my reamer from Dave I asked for a second for making a full length die.it initially shaved the base of the case but after running some wet & dry over the cutting edge it works wonderfully much praise to Mr Kiff.
www.PR2racing.com should get you the website.
Why is that a bold claim? If the rifle was operating fine and now has a click he needs to either polish out his chamber to make it fatter so the die sizes it more or get a small base die made up.
Waterboy aka Lynn
www.PR2racing.com should get you the website.
Why is that a bold claim? If the rifle was operating fine and now has a click he needs to either polish out his chamber to make it fatter so the die sizes it more or get a small base die made up.
Waterboy aka Lynn


"Why is it a bold claim?"

I guess I'm not the sort who'll presume that because a guy can understand and make suspension parts that it naturally follows that he can make good reloading dies.

As far as "polish out the chamber to make it fatter"......... how is this relevant to PR2Shooter making a die?

Sure, polishing out the chamber will fix the problem but I can't see the connection.


If the original poster has a reamer without enough clearance in the first place nobody will be able to make him a die that will solve his click problem.His only choice would be to polish the chamber or buy another reamer and set the barrel back.
As to reaming a sizing die I would say if you can make suspension parts you are qualified.
If you have a Black and Decker drill at your house and a 6br barrel laying around you can chuck a 6Dasher reamer into the drill and you will have a 6Dasher capable of winning the NBRSA 1000 Yard Nationals.I used 30 weight motor oil as lube on the barrels I have done.
This ain't rocket science.
Lynn aka Waterboy
Lynn, are you drunk? Or do you just not read the stuff you comment on?


First of all your disjointed miscomprehension of my first post (maybe go READ it??)

And A'gain.

This is you, this time refuting yourself....

Here's your quote from post #32 "or get a small base die made up." (with the implication that PR2Shooter is the man for the job.)

And then your quote from post #34 "nobody will be able to make him a die that will solve his click problem."

Month after month I just don't know when you're going to take offense at something. How many times are you going to pop out from behind a bush and disagree with some imagined slight? "Argue" with something only to turn around and quote it back?

I don't know what your hardon IS but please, take it somewhere else. You make me tired. And don't go back to your standard 'answer' when called to support your wild assertions, don't go around deleting and amending all your posts.

And now, regardless of your claims, I'm sure Mr PR2Shooter can support hissownself. IF he's truly capable of making a die. (As opposed to CNC'ing a one-off of dude's chamber minus a couple thou.....)

Jeff makes an excellent die

I have been using one for almost a year now with perfect results. I know several top shooters using these dies also.

You know, I have read so many posts about unobtainium components, I just have to tell you about my Harrell Vari-Base die (no longer available). It has several base inserts that screw into the bottom of the die. They go from too small to too big in steps of .001. it sizes the neck with your bushing of choice, bumps the shoulder, and sizes the base. Another thing, i think that case heads can be hardened by being shot and FL sized a few times at medium but shootable pressures. After that they have less tendency to grow into a click. Comments?

Absolutely!!! I have one of these and use it whenever we get to the clicking stage. It is a shame that they stopped making these.
If you read my posts after taking a chill pill instead of drinking 10 cups of coffee you might be able to understand them.
I posted the link to PR2 because "YOU'" asked for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If "YOU" don't want the info DON'T ASK FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His dies work and if you would spend more time researching and less time criticising you would already know that.
As to your completely insane comments on the quotes taken out of context I will help you once again
as I like knuckleheads and you are one of the biggest here.

"or get a small base die made up." The reason I posted that is a small base die will cure his click period.If you don't understand that please take up table tennis and quit offering your bad advise here.

"nobody will be able to make him a die that will solve his click problem."
Again another out of context Alinwa rant.I said if his reamers specs are too tight in the first place nobody will be able to make him a die that will solve his click problem.Call Neil Jones before you wet yourself and ask him then report back what he and not Alinwa says.

I have no hardon for anyone just BS and for some reason your posts are full of it.Maybe you need some sleep.
Lynn aka Waterboy
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well, to all those reading this, Lynn DOES have it right.

As does everybody else, except those who think they can fix the problem with a die. (refer to post #4 back at the top)

So, "Jeff" (PR2Shooter) do you make a hardened die?
