Best Factory Group Bag Gun

Stephen Perry

New member
Best Factory Groups Bag Gun

Ok what you got. Don't start the BS about 100 yd .2 groups with a varmint gun I don't buy it. Reason being most of you guys don't have the measuring instrument to measure a 1/4' group and the other half don't know how to measure a group. Not to be mean but I have the NBRSA Dewey caliper to measure with and I have measured BR groups for many years. Soooooo lets hear bout your nice Remington 22-250 or .243 Varmint BDL that shoots an occasional .4 and generally shoot .75 groups at 100. Maybe a Cooper that will shoot the same. Ok, a Savage with a good trigger. No stories of back to back .2 groups I won't buy it and will tell you so. I been to Bombay and back in shooting BR and factory range guns. I go to the Public Range enough with my BR guns and in 30+ years have never had a factory gun take on one of my BR guns, wouldn't expect them too. Reason I use wind flags everytime I practice and my barrels are better than any factory barrel. Turn the tables I coudn't whup a BR guy with a factory rifle.

At 200 yd I watched a guy shoot a Remington 700 Hart barrel 30-06 shoot 200 for a couple weeks. He was good probably shot groups .5-.75 with an occasional 1 1/2" string, 5 shot groups. My home range, all the good old guys I grew up with knew I could out shoot the guy but I respected what the guy was doing and left my target at 100. He used the gun for hunting deer at long range. He could shoot off hand and keep his groups inside 2" at 200M. I was shooting my HV those days. Rem 600 sleeved 6 PPC Six stock Weaver 36x my 66 grn bullets Hart HV barrel 13.50 #, same kinda gun most shoot NBRSA HV class with if the use a 13.5# gun. Hey when I'm hot I'm hot when I'm not I suck, life of a BR shooter.

So guys let's have some fun here. Be honest got a good 1/2" gun at 100 lets hear about it. How long did it take you to learn how to shoot consistently. Talk about the groups you lose it on too and try and evaluate what happen. Most times losing shots is going to be one of 2 things wind and bad bench technique. You could set a flag or 2 out shooting a factory gun the Range won't charge any extra and improving bench technique is learned by practice.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
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OK, this is what I got. I went to the range early one morning and a friend who shoots black powder rifles that look like old buffalo guns or something that Quigly might take down under wanted me to look at his 200 target he had just finished shooting.

200 yard 5 shot group less than 3 1/2 inches measured with my 16 foot ruler. "So what" you say? This was shot with a 45/70 with iron sights without flags and he had two other groups about the same.

You take that fancy scope off your fancy bench gun and stick them fancy flags back in your fancy pickup and try to beat that. And them fancy shinny bullets you use would have to be replaced with cast lead ones. All things considered, that was some good shooting.:)

I swear that the above statement was the plain truth and I can take you to the lumber yard and show you a ruler like the one I used.:)

Concho Bill
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I don't shoot it anymore since I built another 6ppc out of a long action Rem721 with the regular old factory stock, used the same .269 reamer as my bench gun. The ppc out shoots the 243 with the same old Lyman 20x.

721.... It's the action I had laying around so I used it.

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Concho you're a Jokester

That's a nice group. Didn't say you can't shoot a good group with a factory modifed rifle, you proved it. But if you shoot 10 groups as I usually do in a day in BR I need all 10 to be smaller than that to be competitve. At 200 that would be a good group in BR. Looks like a 1/2" group plenty good for 200 in BR a group like at 100 would kill your agg.

Looks like you shot that a Club shoot. I have modified Rem 788 with a Hart barrel that shoots similar to that sometimes better. Mike did you use any wind flags if not try some you will get more groups like that. You could kick the crap out most Score shooters with a gun that shoots that well.

Mike don't call the Lyman 20x scope old that was my first BR scope back in 1977. I just bought another one for my 6x45 TCU rifle.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
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That's a nice group. Didn't say you can't shoot a good group with a factory modifed rifle, you proved it. But if you shoot 10 groups as I usually do in a day in BR I need all 10 to be smaller than that to be competitve. At 200 that would be a good group in BR. Looks like a 1/2" group plenty good for 200 in BR a group like at 100 would kill your agg.

I shoot benchrest too you know but you didn't ask for any groups from those rifles. We shoot 2 types of matches at our club and that was a hunters shoot so 5 shots at 4 different targets and they very every month. Eg: prone 100, standing at moving target 50, leaning 200, sitting 20. No wind flags used at those matches.

We shoot bench for score once a month as well. 100 and 200y. Once a year we do iron sight bench at 50y. All yardages are shot at std 100y score targets.


How's this for consistency from an unmodified (.223 Rem) factory rifle at 100m? nhk


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I have a Sako A-1 rifle chambered in the 6PPC-USA cartridge that will agg .300 at 70 degrees. It gets ragged below 55 degrees with 68-70's.

I did skim bed it.


That is what I would expect from a .22 cal factory rifle. My 788 in .223 shoots like that. Try some wind flags you could tighten up some of those horizontal shots. Those are new bullets you layed next to your group aren't they. To shoot like that you need good bench technique.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
When I lived in Seattle the club I was a member of ran monthly factory BR matches. The trigger could be tuned but no extra levers or aftermarket triggers allowed, NO barrel work, bedding could be improved, no single shot bolt rifles, no 40X's or other "factory customs", and 20X max scope. Two ten shot matches at 300 yd and two at 200 yards.

In order to win or come close the rifles had to be able to shoot half MOA for ten shots. Eleven years ago the winning rifles were generally Rem 700V's in .223 shooting 52/53 gr match bullets with, uh, warm loads. Rick Beginski shot a sub inch ten shot group at 300 yards with his wife's 700VS in .223 in one match.

Bet you're wondering where I found that 4" diameter dime, huh! :rolleyes:

Why would you replace a barrel for keyholing?


I've had 2 rifles keyhole. 1) After 5,000 rounds and I replaced the barrel, and 2) a new factory rifle that was defective and under warranty. The latter was the pictured groups. Even though a keyhole round has a devastating effect on prairie dogs, I didn't consider it a 'value added' feature. The twist and velocity were correct, but it wasn't stabilizing the bullets. I had several targets worth of documentation and another rifle of the same model for comparison. nhk
factory groups

all my krieger barrel shoot less than .5 . i have some factiry barrel that come close .222 and 22-250. i would really like to get a sako 6ppc. just waiting for my allowance to recover from a bighorn sheep hunt