Bench top design

The bench pictured on page 8 looks ideal to me, maybe just move the back leg forward a bit..........Ian

Ian, The bench you mentioned is the first one that I actually completed. It works very good for me and the shooters at our club. It is still subject to change and improvememt. It is has more braces than necessary but it's shape is workable. I now rase the bottom braces high enough to get a pallet jack under it for easy movement.

I, like most shooters, shoot from the left side. I place my stool so my left foot is in front of the stool and the right foot is behind the back bench leg. The rifle is closer to the left side of the tee than the right.

I suggest that anyone planning to build one bench or a bunch of them first build a cheap mock up out of plywood, lumber, or cardboard to check out the shape. Of course, if you see a bench whose shape and style you like, feel free to copy it or modify and copy.

Concho Bill
I weigh about the same..

as I did in high school. So, I've had very little trouble with bench configurations. :)

The only ones I struggle with are the very narrow benches at Weikert where you really almost need a left front leg hole drilled closer to the center of the bottom plate. Jenny Craig anyone?
I think the length of a persons body makes a difference

I shared a bench for years with a lad who's torso is considerably longer than mine. That makes a big difference with regard to seat height as well as their having more range to do things on the bench. We squatty guys are hampered somewhat in that regard and why I prefer bellying up to a bench. That position simplifies the entire setup situation for me at least.

I think it may be time to amend and update my benchrest bench article with Wilber's permission. It would be a little less windy and more specific toward concrete topped "T" shaped benches. It would have more deminsions and detailed instructions on how to make it.

What do you think?

Bill Wynne
Concho Bill
The "T" shape on page 6 of this is awful close the IDEAL design as you can get as close or as far away as necessary IMHO


I agree with you. With this bench shape there is enough room for the rifle and the shooter's arm on the "T" and room for the shooter's stuff in front wheather they shoot left or right.

Concho Bill
Whatever you build, I suggest a full mockup in wood first. Your will discover things that are not obvious from simply looking at a picture or plan. This is one piece of advice that it not often followed, and as a result, all over the country, there are benches that, for the same amount of money and effort, could have been quite a bit better.