Should I measure each Bullet's bearing surface?
I sort all my long range bullets by bearing surface. For me it made a difference that is worth the effort. I know I posted this in a centerfire area but I notice that your location said you are close to a 1000 yard range.
While many lots will be very close to the same one will almost always find a few that are WAAAAY off and it's those few that will Kill ya.
'Morning, Pete. What do you consider to be "WAAAAY off" when you measure base-to-ogive? Does your device match the ogive profile or is it a fixed diameter?
Good shootin'. -Al
Pete, bullet lube makes ALL the difference in the consistancy of base to ogive measurements. I've tried them all, and there is only 1 that I have found to be really consistant, but It has to be precisely measured and applied......as in .7 grain of lube (a blob about the size of a BB) for each 600 jackets, and that is enough for both core seating and point forming.
This is a Dead Horse conversation in the making.
Pete, I was going to describe a method of measuring b-o that gives more reliable info than measuring from a single point on the bullet.......