Bart's Premier Benchrest Jackets

Those are not J4 or Sierra Jackets. They are Bart’s 6MM Benchrest jackets and I have been working on this for about a year. I am planning on producing most of the popular benchrest jackets (22, 6MM and 30 Cal). Currently .705 22s and 820 6MM are done.

They also shoot as good as they look! Charlie Steinius and Wayne Talbot were on hand for testing of 6MMs through my railgun. Groups averaged around high zeros to flat ones (3 shot groups). The final group after tuning was an .024.

Jacket run out is around .00015 or less!

This is great news for bullet makers who have suffered through endless jacket shortages and price increases.

This is a game changer fellas!

Excellent news! Please get some 30 cal jackets into market soon, we score shooters have been suffering chronic bullet shortages like everyone else.

Hi Bart

Great news - thanks for taking the time, money and energy to make this happen. More suppliers of benchrest quality jackets can only be a good thing for the sport.

Can you give any idea on how these jackets "form" or "feel"? Is it more like a J4, or a Sierra, or something else again? How are you placed for overseas orders?
Dang, those almost make me want to start making my own bullets again.

I congratulate you on pursuing this. This might be a huge shot in the arm for Benchrest bullet Makers, and Benchrest Shooters.........jackie

The jackets form/feel much like a Sierra jacket. The bullets have a very smooth feel ejecting from the die. I believe that's because of the exceptional finish on the outside of the jacket. The 820 6MM weighs around 21.9 and to seat a core for my 68bt it took around a 2138 punch.

I plan to make these available to everyone.


I never want to turn off the flow of Sierra Jackets. I think its best to have more than one source. Its good for us the bullet makers, its good for the shooters and its good for the sport. I intend to carry Sierras as long as they will sell them to me.
