Bank of America

Not to worry

How about that. I have never had an account or credit card with BoA but they want me to open it again. Wonder if there is a lot of money in it!!

The following email had BoA logo and all official looking.

Dear Customer , We temporary deactivated your Account for your protection. You have to Reactivate Your Bankofamerica® Online Account within the next 24 Hours in Order to Continue using it .

Please Click here to Reactive your account .

Bank Of America® Customer Service
Code #BA905242

Bank Of America, N.A. Member FDIC
© 2012 Bank Of America.
I just made a trip up town and there is a very very large group outside of the BofA branch caring picket signs and the news media is also there / TV stations. They are picketing both our second amendment rights thanks to McMillan's heads up as well as their refusal to help those currently loosing their homes. There is also an increase in security making it somewhat difficult for the customers to get into the bank as they are requiring them to have multiple ID's proving that they do indeed bank there. I don't much care for the heightened security as they could use that to their political advantage but it is surely making the customers aware of the issues and it is also located on one of the busiest streets in town and it could not be in a better location to have maximum exposure. The other branches in town might be being picketed as well but there locations are not as visual to the general community as this one is.

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How about that. I have never had an account or credit card with BoA but they want me to open it again. Wonder if there is a lot of money in it!!

The following email had BoA logo and all official looking.

Dear Customer , We temporary deactivated your Account for your protection. You have to Reactivate Your Bankofamerica® Online Account within the next 24 Hours in Order to Continue using it .

Please Click here to Reactive your account .

Bank Of America® Customer Service
Code #BA905242

Bank Of America, N.A. Member FDIC
© 2012 Bank Of America.

Looks like some one is phishing and trying to get your personal data. I'll bet if you clicked on that link they would be asking for your social security number right off the bat.
BofA just keeps shooting themselves in the foot. This morning I got a call from the place I store my RV and they said my payment is late. I have a recurring payment set up through the BofA billpay system. This is the third time this has happened, twice in the last two weeks with different accounts. I guess it is time for a change. I called the BofA customer service and told them I would probably be closing my accounts and told them it was about the billpay and the McMillan flap.
Due to BofAM's policy on the 2nd amendment, I will do no more business with them. I called and got q check for my "world points". I now do business with a regional bank and will be asking them their position on 2nd Admendent. They better have it right or I will cancel their account too.

As I understand it (and it may be incorrect) Some banks but not all have signs refusing to allow people with concealed carry permits to enter the bank with their weapons.
Is this correct that it is discretionary? If so what is BofA's policy?
Saw this post first on Have since seen it on at least half a dozen forums including some dedicated to 1911 pistol shooting. It's good to know the word is getting around.
Just got a notice from B of A that there's only $6.35 in my account. I guess I need to write "another" check for $6.00. Don't want to run my account too low.;) They said I better put more $$ in to cover any checks I might write? Don't think I'll be doing that very soon.:p
While I don't have any accounts or credit cards with BOA, I do own a little (very little) stock in them. The price has dropped so much that I can't afford to sell it. I won't do any business with them and will sell my stock as soon as it is feasible. In the meantime, a little sympathy for me please. . .
I had an account with BofA for 20+ years, saw an ad for a credit card for BofA Platinum at rates "starting at 7.8%" or some such rate. Applied for the card, perfect credit history. Card arrives, APR of something like 13.8%! Went right down to the local branch, cut up my card at the Mgrs desk, and closed my account--went to a free checking at a small local bank. They are sleazebags!
Neither have I nor will I likely, but I doubt it will make much difference.
I goofed up

I checked the wrong post and deleted it in error. Deleted the right one just after so all is well - maybe. My apologies to whoever's post I deleted.

The good thing about this is it brought the thread back from somewhere long ago.
When Jimmy Diamin calls to lobby about a congressional bill on the floor, and your Congressman votes with Jimmy, you know who runs the country. It is time we try, maybe just try, to take it back.

Even the Warstreet Journal was lobbying to get this 2015 "budget" bill passed since it gives K Street power to tax the American people when they do another fleece job like they did in 2008. Its just a few TRILLION though that JP Morgan/Chase et. al. need to steal from working people.

If those sleezy, evil, bastarts could just get our guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>> If those sleezy, evil, bastarts could just get our
>>> guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And in my humble opinion, they will, soon or later. It has nothing to do with crime, it has everything to do with the fact that it is impossible to establish a tyrannical form of government when everyone is armed. Adolf Hitler proved that in the early thirties when he disarmed the population under the disguise of controlling crime.

But of course government schools are rewriting history so inconvenient truths like that can no longer be available to young skulls full of mush.
>>> [quote/] If those sleezy, evil, bastarts could just get our
>>> guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And in my humble opinion, they will, soon or later. It has nothing to do with crime, it has everything to do with the fact that it is impossible to establish a tyrannical form of government when everyone is armed. Adolf Hitler proved that in the early thirties when he disarmed the population under the disguise of controlling crime.

But of course government schools are rewriting history so inconvenient truths like that can no longer be available to young skulls full of mush.

Look again. Hitler only took guns away from the ones who were stifling the German economy and promoting Communism in the German State. Immediately after this law went into effect is when the US MSM started a propaganda war against the German Reich that led to WW II since the promoters of Communism in Germany were being disarmed.

Presumed German citizens were hostile but exempted Nazis from the gun control law.

Gave Nazis unrestricted power to decide what kinds of firearms could, or could not be owned by private persons.

The types of ammunition that were legal were subject to control by bureaucrats.

Juveniles under 18 years could not buy firearms and ammunition.

(Those were just the laws for the people they actually liked)

On November 11, 1938, the nazi's passed the Regulation against Jews' Possession of Weapons, which reads, in part

With a basis in §31 of the Weapons Law of 18 March 1938 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, p.265), Article III of the Law on the Reunification of Austria with Germany of 13 March 1938 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, p. 237), and §9 of the Führer and Chancellor's decree on the administration of the Sudeten-German districts of 1 October 1938 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, p 1331) are the following ordered:

Jews (§5 of the First Regulations of the German Citizenship Law of 14 November 1935, Reichsgesetzblatt I, p. 1333) are prohibited from acquiring, possessing, and carrying firearms and ammunition, as well as truncheons or stabbing weapons. Those now possessing weapons and ammunition are at once to turn them over to the local police authority.

Firearms and ammunition found in a Jew's possession will be forfeited to the government without compensation.

The Minister of the Interior may make exceptions to the Prohibition in §1 for Jews who are foreign nationals. He can entrust other authorities with this power.

Whoever willfully or negligently violates the provisions of §1 will be punished with imprisonment and a fine. In especially severe cases of deliberate violations, the punishment is imprisonment in a penitentiary for up to five years. ""

Those of us like myself remember the duffle bags of high quality firearms that were looted from German homes by the allies after WW II. Only the jews were disarmed by the Nazis...fact!!
I checked the wrong post and deleted it in error. Deleted the right one just after so all is well - maybe. My apologies to whoever's post I deleted.

The good thing about this is it brought the thread back from somewhere long ago.

That was me. Don't worry about it though, as you do a great job here. Sad that people are reduced to doing ad work like that to get by. However, it did me good to read the entire thread. So thanks a lot for all you do and all you contribute.
I was not aware of Bank of America's anti-gun position. What a contemptuous and bombastic in-your-face attitude for them to exercise against clients who are not breaking any laws or doing anything unethical.

With the vast majority of states that now have shall-issue concealed handgun licenses, and what seems like every other citizen in the nation owning at least one black rifle, most Americans finally understand the lie that the Democrats and their allies in the complicit media have been perpetrating against this nation's law abiding gunowners for decades. That being, we have no legitimate reason to own most kinds of guns except maybe only those kinds of weapons that they would deem suitable for duck hunting. The tide has finally turned in our favor so that only those anti-gun politicians who represent the most liberal blue districts in the US are the only ones who would still have the tenacity to attack the 2nd amendment. They are finally in the vocal minority these days with much less influence then they use to have.

Bank of America must obviously care more about their anti-gun ideology then maintaining the status-quo with their law abiding clientelle. It's good to know who our enemies are. I'll be sure to avoid their credit cards and any kind of financing or business with them.
I was not aware of Bank of America's anti-gun position. What a contemptuous and bombastic in-your-face attitude for them to exercise against clients who are not breaking any laws or doing anything unethical.

Bank of America must obviously care more about their anti-gun ideology then maintaining the status-quo with their law abiding clientelle. It's good to know who our enemies are. I'll be sure to avoid their credit cards and any kind of financing or business with them.

If you are up to speed on geopolitical movements its not hard to figure all this anti-gun deal out. It is certainly NOT "about the children".

Simply ask yourself three "W"'s;

1 Who is trying to take guns away from the free law-abiding masses.

2 Why are they trying to take them away.

3 What is the plan for the masses who just gave up their guns under noble sounding blather, as the stupid did in Australia.

Remember too, the Brits were stupid enough to do the gun give thing and what happened just out the chute? WW II. Then the people in the
US sent ships loads of guns to the UK so civilians could protect themselves and the homeland. I am old enough to remember those gun donation and shipments.

The WW II song "Bobbies on bicycles two by two" will not stop an invasion from without. read the first sentence carefully beginning with "In the dark days.."

Like VaniB highlights above, "its good to know who your enemies are".......and your friends.
