Bank of America

Watch your emails

I just got the following email.

I have never been a customer of B of A.

Notice the Click Here below...I didn't!!

Dear Valued Customer,

We are currently engaged in customer information update.
As an account holder, you are required to update your

Click Here to complete the quick update process.

NOTE: Failure to update your log on details within
24HRS of receiving this notice will lead to service suspension. Dear Valued Customer,

We are currently engaged in customer information update.
As an account holder, you are required to update your

Click Here to complete the quick update process.

NOTE: Failure to update your log on details within
24HRS of receiving this notice will lead to service suspension.
I just got the following email.

I have never been a customer of B of A.

Notice the Click Here below...I didn't!!

Dear Valued Customer,

We are currently engaged in customer information update.
As an account holder, you are required to update your

Click Here to complete the quick update process.

NOTE: Failure to update your log on details within
24HRS of receiving this notice will lead to service suspension. Dear Valued Customer,

We are currently engaged in customer information update.
As an account holder, you are required to update your

Click Here to complete the quick update process.

NOTE: Failure to update your log on details within
24HRS of receiving this notice will lead to service suspension.

It is a "SCAM" Jerry, I get them all the time. Just look at where the Email came from.
Well they just appointed some dude to the surgeon general position that says guns are a health harzard- so you know where that is going. Be careful at the docs office and hospitals they are asking questions that are not medically related like "are you afraid at home" and other nonsense that could be used against you in a court hearing as being unstable or such.
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When Jimmy Diamin calls to lobby about a congressional bill on the floor, and your Congressman votes with Jimmy, you know who runs the country. It is time we try, maybe just try, to take it back.

Even the Warstreet Journal was lobbying to get this 2015 "budget" bill passed since it gives K Street power to tax the American people when they do another fleece job like they did in 2008. Its just a few TRILLION though that JP Morgan/Chase et. al. need to steal from working people.

If those sleezy, evil, bastarts could just get our guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Without getting to the how, why, etc. part of the issue, I assume you do know the American public got paid back in full plus interest for a rather healthy return, paid to the U.S. Treasury?
When you infer there was a theft from anybody, blue, white, or any color in between , we should be correct with the facts, no?
What happened to CCBW's request that we not have political discussions any more on his board? Why do you folks continue to ignore his simple request?
This Bank of America action is all part of a broader scheme hosted by none other then Eric Holder and his "Department of Justice". The DOJ and the FDIC have been pressuring banks not do do business with gun manufacturers. It's all an effort by Bummer and his sand box buddy Eric that they named "Operation Choke Point". Thank goodness our Senate is very aware of this back door scheme to kill the gun and ammunition industry by causing banks to defund it, and they intend to halt this operation when they take the majority in 2015. If anybody cares to read how it works, here is the link I found provided at the NRA;
Without getting to the how, why, etc. part of the issue, I assume you do know the American public got paid back in full plus interest for a rather healthy return, paid to the U.S. Treasury?
When you infer there was a theft from anybody, blue, white, or any color in between , we should be correct with the facts, no?

Fine, now show me where in the US Constitution the federal government is given authority to bail out private businesses with taxpayers money because that private business screwed up or , as in this case just plain stole that business blind. And, since the officers of that company took huge bonuses with this taxpayers money is that not fraud? The bigger problem here is that we were and are being lied to by at least GW Bush and B Hussin Obama if not our Presidents for many layers back starting with Woodrow Wilson.
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What happened to CCBW's request that we not have political discussions any more on his board? Why do you folks continue to ignore his simple request?

Do you NOT think this news item is not important enough for you and others to know?

If not for Keith Myer's posting this thread, I would not have taken notice of the larger scheme involved, which is Eric Holder's "Operation Check Point" which is an attempt to defund gun and ammo manufacturers by pressuring the banks not to do business with them. It's NOT just a B.O.A. anti-gun issue. (see the link in my post above or google "Operation Choke Point") This thread has had over 15,000 views. I wish I could have learned about the story of "Operation checkpoint" earlier in the thread during the first 14,500 views, and posted it then. I have yet to have heard about it in the news or other media, and believe many others of us remain in the dark.

Perhaps the administrator here realizes the importance of the issue, and does not consider it the kind of fodder for a foodfight here like say does "Republican VS Democrat" political issues or a debate over who the next presidential nominee should be. Kindly regard it as "current events" so perhaps it will not bother you as much. Thanks you for your patience as we momentarily step away from the topic of competition scores.