Are you objective?


Mr. D

How many here even try to look at issues in an objective, unbiased way? Of course none of us including myself are free of bias, but some seem to treat every subject as rooting for your favorite professional wrestler! It's about making nasty biased remarks and ridiculous attacks on the other side rather than trying to learn both sides of the issue. The other side is the enemy and you stand for truth, liberty and the American way like Superman! Is it impossible for some to consider that both Obama and McCain may be good men that simply have a different reality as to what is the best path for America?

Does everything have to be an angry, simplistic battle between good and evil? Why do so many Americans think so simplistically with such angry judgments? Could it be that is what we have been taught by our............................
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I like to think of myself as fair and objective. I recognize that the differences between the two parties is beyond reason or they would be much closer in their ideas.

I do believe that some political parties and candidates will say things that cannot be rectified with reason. I think that Obama and the Democrats are further from the ideas that made this country great and will pull us through in the long run than McCain and the Republicans.

I hope that I can recognize it when and if Obama expresses good ideas.

Concho Bill
When their is such a difference in the candidates and at a time like this we need a strong leader with experience, while both candidates are not my first pick McCain is the one with the experience.
I was raised a Democrat and voted democrat up to and including Carter, but that is where it ended, the liberals took over the party and they have not had a good reliable, honest, intelligent candidate since.
Obama will down size the military, allow liberal immigration, raise taxes, increase entitlements, grow government, increase restrictions on the 2nd amendment, put liberals in the supreme court, etc...
Yes I feel strongly about those things, myself and many others spilled our blood for this country and don't want to see it get weaker, and poorer, with less rights for its citizens.
Excuse me for feeling strongly about something as important as who will led our nation, make decisions on my families security, and livelihood.
I don't know

About how you feel about either candidate.I'm not a Dem OR Rep.I'm looking for the best person to run our country.So far, all I see is people I really don't care for, and nobody wants to try a third party,because it will hurt the least of the two bad candidates,and the other bad choice will win.
I know that it's to late for this election,but we really need to think outside the box next election,or we'll be stuck with two more guys who owe themselves to lobbyist who don't have a care in the world about we the people.
As far as skin color goes,I didn't ever think i would here myself say this,but anymore I don't really care,as long as the candidate is honest and cares about the people,it could be Fat Albert or Big Bird for that matter.

Rudy Manuel
Taught By Right-wing Media

Why do so many Americans think so simplistically with such angry judgments? Could it be that is what we have been taught by our............................

Many have listened to too much right-wing talk radio. Nationally, Limbaugh, Liddy, Savage, Hannity, Beck and 5 or 6 others all promote simplistic, angry judgments and claim opposing views are stupid--or worse. Locally, there are hundreds of of other conservative radio hosts who spout the same rhetoric.

That stuff really resonates with those who are already mad as hell about how things are going and want to villify the "enemy."

To this crowd, it's OK to be nasty and rude. In fact, they love it and cheer when the radio hosts amp it up.
they know for sure what one candidate will do and the other won't, that is a clear indication of bias and not objectivity. If one is going to lay "intelligence" on the line...... Obama is the clear winner. "Honesty"? Both lose. "Reliable"? Both lose. "Experience"? McCain the clear winner. Of course experience is gained through experience. Something either can obtain.

From Audacity of Hope

"I will stand with the Muslim's should the political winds shift in an ugly dir-

By Barak Hussein Obama

So far the Muslim's worldwide have shown a complete lack of wanting to assimilate to their new countries they have moved to,they want their new country to change to their ways.As long as they feel this way, i will feel the way i do,and that is pack them up and send them home.
If they feel so strongly about their religion,They should man-up and grow some balls and go back home and change the things they didn't like in their country.

This is how I feel and why i will never vote for a closet Muslim like Obama,
I am being objective I looked at their records and at their statements and made my decision. Know I am biased towards McCain because of the two he will do a better job.
Yes you are right experience is gained through experience. Something either can obtain. But we don't have time to wait for Obama to get up to speed, maybe in 4 to 8 years he will have the experience but now he is not capable of the task.
It must have been a very traumatic experience moving from the cultural melting pot of New york, with its ethnic harmony to the back woods of Tennessee with its rednecks and simple ways, I hope you were able to enlighten them to the errors of their ways.
"The Muslims of the world have their way of living also" yes and sadly a not so small minority are causing the rest to come under suspicion, but if it smells like dog crap, looks like dog crap and the dog is standing over it, it is dog crap, so if Muslims are the problem then they should be looked at.
I have heard no one here state all muslims should be kicked out of America, those that are preaching hate and providing aid to our enemy should face justice.
You can not be that naive to presume experience isn't important, Obama has shown he has no respect for the military and his actions prove it out, he will surround himself with and be influenced by liberals who are willing to appease the enemy until we are weaker and then it will cost more lives, and money to do what should have been done in the beginning, Experience translates into time and we will not have the time to wait for him to decide what actions to take in an emergency while he confers with his handlers. Experience takes charge and starts thing rolling while information is gathered.
Has Obama had to make life and death decisions which could cause the lose of life. NO McCain has.
"Experience isn't a prerequisite for that position."
you are right you didn't say it was important and I didn't quote you as saying it was, so let me rephrase it for you. "You can not be that naive to presume experience isn't a prerequisite for that position"
Would you invest your money, your life savings in a company ran by someone who had never had leadership experience, or who had only been a very Junior executive for a short time in the company, who wanted to take part of your earnings and give them to someone else without your permission?
Would you trust your life and that of your wife and children to a security guard who had never been in a situation where he had to make a life or death decision, when he had no experience in the danger of war, who might want to talk to your attacker first?

"The very thought that it takes experience to with the stroke of a pen, start a war is ludicrous at best."
The experience comes in before the stroke of the pin, its knowing when to make war or when to make peace.

If you read my earlier statement about Muslim's,I was referring to people not wanting to be American's.
If you look at France and England right now and the problem's they are having with people not assimilating to their new country you will find that the Muslim religion or people are the main problem.
If you are immigrating to a new country to live, and make a new life for you and your family , you should want to follow what is their political system ,and their way of life. If that does not fit their lifestyle maybe they should try another country.
Now if I was unhappy being an American and wanted to move to a new country like Iraq or or some other Muslim country and wanted to change their country to Christen values.What do you think that country or their religion would do for me or my family.
Rudy Manuel
Confusing nations with religions

It is interesting following the flawed logic and arguments in these posts. Another interesting tact is the effort made to defend islam.
First, confusing national interests versus the dictums of religions is rampant as the threat to the freedom and democracy of ALL nations is not posed by a nation, but by a religion; islam.
For those enlightened here who know a few muslims, one or two, who are nice folks and do not want do destroy our freedoms, please read up on the history of the world from 650 AD to the present and determine what muslims have done in the name of allah. Please read up on what is going on in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the East to find what islam is doing at this moment to conquer other religions and nonmuslim countries.
Finally, to these enlightened ones, please read the koran to understand the basis of the goals to conquer ALL in the name of allah and mohammed.
Also please don't give us the BS about the Bible being violent because today I do not know of people conquering and killing in the name of the Bible.
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I don't see

anyone trying to defend Islam. My understanding is that everyone legally here in this country are afforded the same rights and freedoms as we share. I suppose you feel what we did to the Native Americans in this country was also fair. They were here before us. Relocating them to such desolate areas that would not sustain anyone without the tenacity they have. This isn't 1950, and it's a free country to those legally here. That type of thinking needs to be put in the coffin with George Wallace.
RS, put your brain in gear before you type

A quote, "The Muslims of the world have their way of living also. It does not make them all bad."
No, not all of them are bad but those who follow the koran and mohammed are possibly dangerous. Their "way of living" is to eliminate our way of living. Please do yourself a favor and learn some history and current affairs. After all, who the hell has attacked the U. S. numerous times lately?????

Rs, again your argument is without substance. We are discussing a known threat to freedom and democracy of our Western civilization, islam. We are not discussing the Native Americans. Do not put your distorted logic and perverse words into my logic .

I believe in freedom for all. I believe in freedom of religion. However, what do you do when a RELIGION, not a nation, is devoted to destroying our liberty, freedom, Constitution, and our way of life? I hope you can understand simple statements and logic.
I don't agree with you their fore I am not objective, yes I see the logic of that.
My being not as educated as you I missed understood the threads meaning, so its agree with you or I am not objective, got it.

If only a university degree is necessary then with your reasoning the FBI should hire some one with a degree in Elizabethan literature over say someone with 20 years experience as a detective without a degree?

Yes the FBI & CIA do hire from universities but they don't become director of the FBI, or CIA after only a couple of years. and it is not a mandatory requirement to have a degree to work for the CIA.

I had hoped you would have answered my earlier questions but by not answering them I guess you did in a way.

I will overlook the miss spelling of my name because we all make mistakes and you could not have knowen i'm jewish so I don't think you meant it in a disrespectfull way, but its Koginam not Hoginam

Well for the second time I never said all Muslim's,I said that people who did not want to assimilate into being American's,but chose to keep their old ways and want us to change our ways and values.
You keep throwing race into this conversation which I have never mentioned, as everyone knows most religions are made up of different races so what.
Maybe you should go to North Korea and try to be a propaganda officer there, because you aren't doing a very good job of it here.
Rudy Manuel:rolleyes:
It's interesting that the thread is named, "Are you objective?" and it turned into a discussion of what Muslims are like! :confused: :confused:

In starting the thread,

(1.) I was asking how many thought they were able to look at facts without interpreting them based on an opinion they have already formed? It seems to me allot of people look at every issue and weight it based on whether if seems liberal or conservative, Democratic or Republican, or from Obama or McCain rather than judge it on its own merit.

(2.) I was asking how many thought they were able to separate fact from opinion related to the topics discussed.

(Fact = data that can be proven accurate to all reasonable men.)

(Opinion = a belief that we accept and often live by based on tradition or faith rather than any provable data.)
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Not Many!!!

(2.) I was asking how many thought they were able to separate fact from opinion related to the topics discussed.

How many? Easy answer--two. You and me, but sometimes I wonder about you!

I guess anyone can be bias even on facts just throw a spin on it.
Finding people to be objective to facts is quite another, if it does not meet their view.
I guess we could discuss something non-political to talk about, or is it political.
Lets try school books.
I went to school in the 50's and 60's.
I would think that history is history wrong?
School books sure have a different history lesson than when I was in school.
Is that objective or factual ,who decides what to teach our kids.
Is it bias to their thoughts or is it biased to their political views.
I know that you were a teacher once what do you think.
Rudy Manuel:rolleyes:
I guess anyone can be bias even on facts just throw a spin on it.
Finding people to be objective to facts is quite another, if it does not meet their view.
I guess we could discuss something non-political to talk about, or is it political.
Lets try school books.
I went to school in the 50's and 60's.
I would think that history is history wrong?
School books sure have a different history lesson than when I was in school.
Is that objective or factual ,who decides what to teach our kids.
Is it bias to their thoughts or is it biased to their political views.
I know that you were a teacher once what do you think.
Rudy Manuel:rolleyes:[/QUOTE

I'll be happy to answer that. I'm a teacher/ Administrator in one of the largest districts in the county, 3600 HS kids in two buildings. We finished proctoring the regents on the 25th of June and I'll tell ya that the regents are politically driven. Every opportunity the authors of the regents or the texts have to slant the facts to support the Liberal agenda they do. Weather its the war in Iraq, foreign policy, or Global warming the authors definitely put a Liberal spin on it. its called "Indoctrination" or Brain washing, much like most of the Media who are in the tank for the democratic party so too are educators and the publishers of the texts are children read. They don't tell the whole story, they omit certain facts that would otherwise stimulate healthy debate. It's all about control, you see most democrats believe we are just to stupid to formulate an intelligent opinion, so they'll do it for us. They make it very simple for us to come up with only one conclusion. Theirs! Its a disgrace!!!!!!!!!
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