Are you a angry conservative hippie?

Neocon ??

As I stated earlier, I've been a conservative as far as I know, all my life. Who among us can be called a "new conservative" ? Am I reading something new here ? I am not a native Georgian, however the esteemed and well regarded Senator from Georgia, one Richard Russell once stated the his party (democratic) had left him, he had not left his party. This was when he was voting with the conservative republicans in the Senate.The South has always been conservative in their beliefs. When the democrats were a more conservatively based party, the South always voted in that manner. As our retired distinguised senator, Zell Miller wrote in his most revealing book "A National party no more" (Of course, he was speaking of his democratic party). He was and I suppose still is a "democrat", but of a deep conservative mind set.

NEOCON, another oxymoron, "Mr D" ?
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That would fit on a gime cap.

What do we need with rules and dues?:)

Concho Bill

Well, we probly need someone who is level headed and respected(read Concho Bill here) to come up with a few simple but effective rules and regs for us to base our platform on.

Dues? Well, we are going thru a recession right now...........;)
Sign me up

I was sitting here, feeling unloved and unwanted, and I saw this group forming, and I hope you will let me in. I promise to be a good neocon, and to renounce my liberal ways. Just please, please, let me in. I will send my dues check right away. Thanks, Rusty Carr(the neocon)
You guys have a surprise coming!

NeoCons are far more liberal than I ever could be! Look what Bush and Cheney have done in terms of their view of the Constitution, presidential powers, signing statements, the budget, increasing government size, Homeland Security, Patriot Act, the Bill of Rights, permanent bases in Iraq, presidential edicts such as restrictions on the press in war zones and in this country! Remember when the press could report on a war freely?? They make Clinton look like a conservative! They are conservative the way Hitler was conservative, but maybe that's all right with you! :eek: :eek:

You guys have a surprise coming!

NeoCons are far more liberal than I ever could be! Look what Bush and Cheney have done in terms of their view of the Constitution, presidential powers, signing statements, the budget, increasing government size, Homeland Security, Patriot Act, the Bill of Rights, permanent bases in Iraq, presidential edicts such as restrictions on the press in war zones and in this country! Remember when the press could report on a war freely?? They make Clinton look like a conservative! They are conservative the way Hitler was conservative, but maybe that's all right with you! :eek: :eek:

...shouldn't the term be NEOLIBS??

It would make more sense wouldn't it!! Do you think any intelligent conservative would call the actions of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfelt, etc. conservative policy? They have radically liberal policies mixed with militarism! Only their overly patriotic B.S. sounds conservative, their policies do not!
I find it amusing... now are calling republicans uberlibs to find an insult. Keep on grasping there D...maybe you will leave an air welt if you keep it up long enough.

"d"............................................... ...............

If Bush and Cheney had done all of those things why hasn't your "Do Nothing" congress done anything about it??? All propaganda by the left!! I only remember one president that was impeached and he was a dummycrat!!:D:D:D Quit making false allegations and show us some proof.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Am I an angry --------------?

I'm an angry American; no need to put labels on it.

I'm angry this nation is dependent on oil as an energy source when we had a wake up call in the 1970's.

I'm angry our political leadership is more interested in their party than the good of the nation.

I'm angry we have over 11 million illegals in this country taxing our infastructure at taxpayer expense.

I'm angry we have a revolving door criminal justice system.

I'm angry we don't have morning prayer or The Pledge of Allegiance in our schools.

I'm angry we were caught blindsided on 9/11 due to intelligence errors and not taking the terrorist threat seriously.

I'm angry that some still don't take the terrorist threat seriously.

I'm angry that O.J. Simpson is walking around a free man for murders he committed.

I'm angry the black leadership in this country panders to the victimization role as opposed to the personal accountability role.

I'm angry the liberal news media does not accurately reflect mainstream thinking or politics.

I'm angry some of our wounded soldiers have received sub standard care due to budget cuts.

I'm angry that I have to perform to a certain level to remain gainfully employed while our elected officials can be incompetent, corrupt, and abandon their constituents while still holding their jobs.

I'm angry that certain states like Vermont refuse to put child predators away for life.

I am an angry American; period.


I found some rules to live by you can hang in the club house:

None of that Sissy Crap

Are you tired of those sissy "friendship" poems that always sound good,
but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a series of
promises that actually speak of true friendship. You will see no cutesy
little smiley faces on this card - Just the stone cold truth of our great

1. When you are sad -- I will help you get drunk and plot revenge
against the sorry bastard who made you sad.

2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking

3. When you smile -- I will know you are plotting something that I
must be involved in.

4. When you are scared -- I will rag on you about it every
chance I get.

5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories
about how much worse it could be until you quit whining.

6. When you are confused -- I will use little words.

7. When you are sick -- Stay the hell away from me until you
are well again. I don't want whatever you have.

8. When you fall -- I will point and laugh at your clumsy

9. This is my oath .... I pledge it to the end "Why" you may ask?
"Because you are my friend".

Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you
can feel it's true warmth.

Remember: A friend will help you move. A really good friend will help
you move a body. Let me know if I ever need to bring a shovel...

Paul.............................................. .............

If it's a terriorist, a child molester or a criminal......I'll bring the shovel!!!;););) Great post Chino69, but I think your going to hurt these lib's feelings.....I can here it already...mean spirited!!
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You guys have a surprise coming!

NeoCons are far more liberal than I ever could be! Look what Bush and Cheney have done in terms of their view of the Constitution, presidential powers, signing statements, the budget, increasing government size, Homeland Security, Patriot Act, the Bill of Rights, permanent bases in Iraq, presidential edicts such as restrictions on the press in war zones and in this country! Remember when the press could report on a war freely?? They make Clinton look like a conservative! They are conservative the way Hitler was conservative, but maybe that's all right with you! :eek: :eek:

Now D, I know you're hurt because you can't play. I know, I know, but this is just the way it is. No need to call us libs now, just to try to hurt our feelings. Look at the bright side, maybe in the future we'll have a "Liberal Day" and we'll let you in for that day. You can drive your big diesel to the club house and we'll sit around and chew tobacco and slap each other on the shoulder when we tell jokes. You will truly feel like the man that I know is in there somewhere. Of course, when the sun goes down, you will have to leave. Now if you were to renounce your liberal status, then we maybe could put you on as a trial member. I'll have to talk to Bill and see if there's room in the rules for that. Of course Phil and Paul and Rusty would have to agree. It would have to be a unanimous vote but there is that slim possibility that we could swing this. Just go to and fill out the online questionaire. Don't call us, we'll call you.
Yote there may be a special status that we could work out for Mr. D. When you think about it, D is the guy who told us what we are and it would get pretty dull around the club house if we didn't have him to keep us on our toes. Now you and me and Paul, Phil and Rusty think alike (you know , lockstep). We could watch D and we would learn what liberals think and what we could say to get their goat. Besides, I kind of like the guy. He ain't so bad.:)

What do you guys think? And D, do you think that you live with something like that?

Concho Bill
Bill.............................................. .......................

I agree........I think if we continue to educate him, vicvanb, and the rest of those guys from the "Other Side" they'll start thinking like us, and we can move on to bigger and better cutting the grass, or taking out the garbage.......maybe even shooting an Armadillo or two, and pretending its got a diaper around its head!!!;););)
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Hey guys, I guess I'm up for a challenge. Maybe we could make it on a trial basis. I have to admit I kind of like the guy too. Maybe there's hope. Put me down for a yes, Rusty
It's official then

Well I guess it's official then!:D

Now are we gonna make him a charter member or a scapegoat!!:eek::D
I'm an angry American; no need to put labels on it.

I'm angry this nation is dependent on oil as an energy source when we had a wake up call in the 1970's.

I'm angry our political leadership is more interested in their party than the good of the nation.

I'm angry we have over 11 million illegals in this country taxing our infastructure at taxpayer expense.

I'm angry we have a revolving door criminal justice system.

I'm angry we don't have morning prayer or The Pledge of Allegiance in our schools.

I'm angry we were caught blindsided on 9/11 due to intelligence errors and not taking the terrorist threat seriously.

I'm angry that some still don't take the terrorist threat seriously.

I'm angry that O.J. Simpson is walking around a free man for murders he committed.

I'm angry the black leadership in this country panders to the victimization role as opposed to the personal accountability role.

I'm angry the liberal news media does not accurately reflect mainstream thinking or politics.

I'm angry some of our wounded soldiers have received sub standard care due to budget cuts.

I'm angry that I have to perform to a certain level to remain gainfully employed while our elected officials can be incompetent, corrupt, and abandon their constituents while still holding their jobs.

I'm angry that certain states like Vermont refuse to put child predators away for life.

I am an angry American; period.


Incredibly well said Chino!! NOBAMA '08
Reasons for War

The fact of the matter is not one person in the general public knows all of the reasons that we went to war for. Only the president and a select few
in his circle know the real scoop.

I will not second guess the president because I just do not know what he does.

I voted for the man because of two simple things

Partial Birth Abortion
and gun control and he came through on his word both times.
Dam fine man he is. Vote for him again, yes I would