Are you a angry conservative hippie?

The "liberals" don't seem to give a damn about what's going on in Tibet. The "conservatives" seem to think that it's a "liberal" issue, so they're ignoring it. In the mean time, we've got the red army killing folks or making them "disappear."

And Joe Six Pack is just waiting for the olympics.

Sounds like our attitude about Saddam in Iraq until after 9/11 and the NeoCons saw an opening for a military foothold in the Middle East. If Saddam had not occupied Kuwait would we stopped his mistreatment of his own people?

Wow, you have me pegged, angry, conservative hippie.

Did the long hair, army jacket and love beads give me away? Why is it that old guys seem to lump angry and hippies into one word? I love trees, does that make me a little liberal?
Wow, you have me pegged, angry, conservative hippie.

Did the long hair, army jacket and love beads give me away? Why is it that old guys seem to lump angry and hippies into one word? I love trees, does that make me a little liberal?

Do you hug trees? :D

The thread is about angry conservatives that give up on the system and see everything as a liberal conspiracy like the hippies of the 60's blamed everything on the man. There's a few conservatives like that around here! The hippies I knew where not angry, but they gave up on the system like some conservatives of today who are against almost everything!
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No, I stop short of hugging trees.

The system is what it is. I have not given up on the system, just the people running it.

Liberals are the best scapegoats, like little yappy dogs.
Conservative hippie

Yea you got me figured out,and I still have long hair.
I've had long hair since the 60's except for when I got drafted,couldn't run,had to fight for my country.That's where I learned about precision shooting from the AMU, they gave us sniper training,boy could those guy's shoot,most of them could shoot better, position shooting ,then we could shoot off sandbags.
9th div.snipers kill for peace,that was our tag,the instructor's sure got a laugh out of that.
Living in liberlfornia,I know a few liberals and piss most of them off,like I do here on this forum.I seem to have a way with words.I usually tell them the only difference between them and me is that, I would have fought the British, and they would still be paying the British taxes.
Rudy Manuel:D:D:D:D

Yea you got me figured out,and I still have long hair.
I've had long hair since the 60's except for when I got drafted,couldn't run,had to fight for my country.That's where I learned about precision shooting from the AMU, they gave us sniper training,boy could those guy's shoot,most of them could shoot better, position shooting ,then we could shoot off sandbags.
9th div.snipers kill for peace,that was our tag,the instructor's sure got a laugh out of that.
Living in liberlfornia,I know a few liberals and piss most of them off,like I do here on this forum.I seem to have a way with words.I usually tell them the only difference between them and me is that, I would have fought the British, and they would still be paying the British taxes.
Rudy Manuel:D:D:D:D

...I used to have long hair but old age and bad follicle genes took care of that. I save a ton on hair cuts and do it myself w/ the clippers:) Still need the wife to trim up the back of my neck.

Stinks getting old....falls out where you want it & grows where you don't:)

Thanks for your service!! Keep giving them hell!! I never could get the hang of off hand shooting w/ the long gun??

I consider....

this thread a oxymoron. I was a conservative all during the 60s and NEVER a so called "hippie". The two words just don't fit, I'm afraid I really don't understand the meaning here. I've said this before, but I'll hit it again. My teen age son once asked me what I thought a liberal might be, without a lot of thought, this just came out. "A liberal is a person (elected) who thinks he knows what is best for me, better than I do" I still think that way today. I believe sincerely in the Constitution as it was written by a brilliant group of Americans. I think the Supreme court proved this recently with the 2nd amendment decision. Thanks to a group of conservative judges, (THANK YOU, George Bush !) We still have a viable and modern Constitution, that works.

BTW, my son now is the Chair of a Catholic high school History/Religion department and working on his PHD in Political science/AMERICAN History.
I'm sure his students get a full load of the way our American founders thought....don't you ? ;)
Snuffy............................................ .................

Tell him to keep-up the good work!!! The "NORMAL" people need all the help they can get!!;););) There's too many Mr. D's warping minds out there.

I know what you mean about hair,I don;t have a forehead anymore i have a five-sixhead.:D:D:D:D
Rudy Manuel

Thank God for benchrest I think!
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...I used to have long hair but old age and bad follicle genes took care of that. I save a ton on hair cuts and do it myself w/ the clippers:) Still need the wife to trim up the back of my neck.

Stinks getting old....falls out where you want it & grows where you don't:)

Thanks for your service!! Keep giving them hell!! I never could get the hang of off hand shooting w/ the long gun??

Dang,Paul,you sound like me,but remember,God only made so many perfect heads,and the rst he just covered with Hair.
But Snuffy - I thought I was your long-haired bearded buddy?

(well, the hair got cut...)

The Iraq thing is about over,it was a stupid move to start with

Actually, I think it was fairly smart. The stupidity was in not following up.

Hussein has pretty much the best army in the region. And we went through them faster than the pacific fleet went through Bangkok... We basically did Iraq as an example. And it worked for some folks, such as Quadaffy (I don't even try...), at least for a while. But now we're looking weak. We aren't, but we're still coming across that way.

Which means that the weakness should be exploited. And it will be.

D, somewhere there is a bright intelligent young man who wants to saw off your head with a dull rusty knife. Unless, of course, you're not one of us.
Hussein has pretty much the best army in the region. And we went through them faster than the pacific fleet went through Bangkok...

Where did you get that piece of misinformation??? It is well know his Republican Guard had not been paid regularly and many soldiers actually begged in the streets for their families. The Iraqi Army was broken and demoralized and had no chance. That's why it folded up like a paper napkin against a superior U.S. force. The stupidity of the war is that we didn't catch Saddam and announce we would leave in 90 days to 6 months with modest support of the existing government of managers. Of course that conflicted with the NeoCon plan of 14 permanent bases in an occupied Iraq!
When you old guys get a new word in your vocabulary, you certainly beat it to death. "Neocon", who are these people, almost like a pronoun "they", the way you use it. Where did 14 bases come from, I like 15 myself.
Hulk... is the only insult 'they' can come with.

'They' know calling us conservative is a compliment (unlike being called a 'typical liberal')

They have also tried to steel swiftboating as 'their' term when 'we' know it was a factual event.

go figure??


Are you a NeoCon? Am I a NeoCon? Is Mr. D a NeoCon? How about Yote?

Maybe we should start a NeoCon Club.:)

Yesterday I did not know the word, now I maybe one.

Concho Bill

As a follow up, to quote; Hussein has pretty much the best army in the region.

You called that misinformation.

The word "best" used here is obviously a relative term. Yes, the US forces were superior and the Iraqi army was overmatched. Are you suggesting that we send the Boy Scouts next time?
Bill, my dues check is in the mail!:D

But wait! We will need to appoint officers. Yote for president.:)

Now how about bylaws and rules and such. :)

How about this for a rule: 1. No liberals allowed in our meeting house.

Now then, who is bringing the beer and munchies.

Concho Bill
Sounds like a party!!

How about this for a rule: 1. No liberals allowed in our meeting house.

Now then, who is bringing the beer and munchies.

Concho Bill

...sign me up. I see no need for any other rules.

Now all we need is a name for our neocon club...hmmm???? Bush buddies and The War Mongers comes to mind:)
