Anyone tried melonite treated barrels in RF?


I am currently somewhat fascinated with melonite processing, and I've thought about barrels. This is what my non-engineering mind sees as potential problems. There appears to be a growth in dimension of about 0.0005" in dimension, which would mean 0.001" tighter bore. Is that a problem? I don't know, but it seems it could be. The other larger issue is the hardness. According to what I have read, make sure you have the barrel chambered before doing the processing or it will be so hard you can't chamber it. That may be great with centerfire, but my experience with rimfire is that there is an accuracy "curve". The rifle starts out accurate, but wear-in over a period of time seems to make it more accurate. If it's really that hard, that increasing accuracy will not occur with a rimfire. Is that a problem? Not sure but it seems it would be a consideration.
Talk to Joel Kendrick. I've known him for years; he'll give you the straight poop, as far as he knows. (Edit: he may not have any experience with RF.)

BTW, you don't have to have the melonite process done on a new barrel. Let it season by shooting it if you want, then do it. I imagine I'd first try with a so-so barrel. If you have a very good one, you'd not want to risk it as a first experiment...but you knew that.
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I have done a few barrels now, and i'm getting some mixed results.

I have not done enough testing yet to reach a conclusion, but there are some issues dealing with surface finish and leading that are not looking so good.

If you have a piece that has been treated, such as a CF barrel, take a loaded .22lr round and run it along the surface like a pencil. It will leave a nice grey streak, like chalk on a chalk board.

That is where the problem begins.

Yeah, problem is when you are running the bullets down the barrel. I had a real mess on my hands with one of the barrels.
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A similar question could be asked about processing barrels for black powder cartridge rifles and soft lead bullets.

Talk to Joel Kendrick. I've known him for years; he'll give you the straight poop, as far as he knows. (Edit: he may not have any experience with RF.)

BTW, you don't have to have the melonite process done on a new barrel. Let it season by shooting it if you want, then do it. I imagine I'd first try with a so-so barrel. If you have a very good one, you'd not want to risk it as a first experiment...but you knew that.

I had a CF Barrel done by Joel a couple of years ago. He told me back then that he wanted the barrel after a minimal number of rounds were through it; like very few; 50 being too many. Said he had had accuracy problems with barrels done the lapping surface had been worn off or something of that nature. Perhaps RF is a different game but it probably should be checked out.

Regarding leading: Wouldn't it seem that copper would be a problem in the same way as was suggested with lead below? I have not found that to be the case.