Anyone heard who won the Cactus?

We may never know!!!

I'll call Lou Murdica on his cell and get the basics. I can't believe no one has given us poor ol home bound any word yet.
Dave B
Jack Neary won the 2 gun. Gene Buckeys was 2nd. Can't remember the rest. Real rainy all day. And tough switchy conditions. Good job Jack and Gene!

To Jack and my good friend Gene.

This is Gene's first step in defending his title as World Benchrest Champion, as it is the first Qualifyer. Looks like he is off to a good start.............jackie
Jack and Gene

You two guys have sure been shooting great. Excellent start for the year. Congratulations to two of the best shooters and "people" in benchrest!
I don't know who else did well, but congrats also.

Larry Costa