Any body need a complete 6mm bullet making setup

Butch Lambert

Active member
At the Shilen Swap Meet a table with drawers, 3 presses, core cutter, squirt die, core seater, and carbide dies. The pointup dies come with it as well as the different pins. It is for 60-70 grain bullets.
Also 2-3 New Hermes engravers will be there with fonts.
Who's point die ? Whats the asking price ?
Joe Pipola Phx
Joe, I really don't know. It was the dies used to make Shilens Bullets in the 90s. They belonged to Jim Ridings and they were passed on after his demise and not used since then.
Thanks Butch. I hope this note finds you in GOOD HEALTH !
I shot some of the Shillen Bullets years ago. The shape, size, and dimentions of the shank and ogive would lead me to believe they were made in Neimi Dies.