Another benchrest legend passess

We are truly diminished!!

My best to the family!! Thoughts and prayers sent.

Rod in Fargo
God Bless Lou... Prayors for Family and Friends.

The PPC will continue on.... Lou and Ferris, God Bless.

Jerry...Thanks for letting us know ...sorry to hear it....I havnt seen him in 10yrs+...he was at Fairchance Pa the last time I shot with him and he lookd bad then....we all take our health and life for what you can as long as you enjoy it....he was one of us...Roger
Truly a sad news!
Doc Lou once explained about the PPC during a lunch time several years ago...I still keep the photocopy from him. Time keeps flowin' like a river, from time to time we've been missing great people....Oh Lord.
My deep condolences & prayers, may God bless Him,
not so much a legend, but a cornerstone of modern benchrest shooting...

mike in co
Ferris Pindell the other half of the PPC legend also passed away in April this year.

End of an era perhaps.

Condolences to those left behind.
Jo Ann and I went to visit Lou and see his range/backer system before we built our new range in St. Louis.
That was back in 1994. Lou spent all day with us, showing us the countryside, and treated us like "long-lost-children." He was a gracious host. There are many things that Lou did, along with Farris, for bench rest beside giving us the PPC. At one match, he just gave a teenage shooter one of his own rifles, and a bunch of loading tool to get started, "No Charge, No-Strings-Attached!" He was a true gentleman. He will be missed.
Ron Hoehn
We are truly diminished by the loss of this icon of Benchrest shooting. Without his discovery of the little .220 Russian case, I guess we would still be shooting the deuce. My prayers to family and friends of Doc. James Mock
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I never knew these two gentlemen but read volumes of information about them and their contibutions. They are truly an inspriation to the benchrest community.

My God bless them and their families in this sad time.

Lou was my friend and mentor since 1985, we have done a lot of things together...
I miss him.

Maybe like the 2nd Nationals I went to was in early 2000 something,Wapwallopen PA ( what a name) Palmisano range,pulled in the afternoon before with the "Hacienda" ( worlds crappiest trailer) in tow,drove down through the middle of everything in a cloud of dust and ended up at the end of the road all jack-knifed in front of Ed Watsons motor home. Felt kinda out of place ? "Doc" Palmisano came over in his golf cart,told me to turn off the ignition, leave everything where it was and come with him. He took me down to the lower level showed me a good spot and ran a mile long extension cord down the hill for me so I could have some juice.Back to the jack-knifed classic '69 Fan travel trailer in his golf cart to find my travel buddy Bruno already drinkin somebody else's beer, In the middle of a "who told this guy he could park here" discussion. Well, "Doc" smoothed everything over and got us settled in a nice spot.
Everytime after that throughout the years I would always go out of my way to say hello to"Doc" when I would see him at a shoot. Don't think he remembered who I was but he always went out of his way to act like he did. That was a memorable shoot in many ways, First met Jack Neary there( smashing beer cans on his head) Dave Bruno(taunting him into doing it) Harley stickin' his bolt in his gun to work the grease around( pss,pss, Harley, huh-uh,huh-uh)What ?( huh,uh !) Tony Boyer( gee I thought he was bigger) John Brown,calmest guy on the planet.Clarence Hammonds,Frank Marks,Bud Welsh.Shot next to Don Gentner.The rangemaster( the professor guy,was the coolest)Allie Euber loading 58 clicks in the crows nest,took him forever.Bob White,Edna,Adrienne Marks, Never felt so welcome by so many strangers, That's Benchrest and that's " Doc Palmisano"
Never forget you "Doc"
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My best to the family!! Thoughts and prayers sent.

Paul from the Netherlands
I wish the good guys could live forever, but I do believe they just go somewhere better. R.I.P. Doc
Grazie Lou !!

Ti ho conosciuto nel 1985 al S.S. e ci siamo visti molte volte in Italia , conservo le tue foto e le tue dediche come fondamento del Bench Rest , GRAZIE per tutto quello che hai fatto per me e tutti i tiratori di B.R. Una preghiera speciale e le mie condoglianze alla famiglia . R.I.P. Con infinita gratitudine e dolore , tuo friend Mario.
Thank You Dr Lou

Thank you, Dr Lou, for what you have given to all of us in the benchrest game.

My condolences to Patty and those close to him.

Some of us are fortunate to have great memories of this truly unique gentleman.

RIP Dr Lou.

Tony - OZ
Lou and Ferrris may have left the building, but the legacy and legend of the PPC will outlast most of us.
That great benchrest range in the sky is really getting some strong competitors now.
True legends of benchrest ....RIP

Brendan Atkinson