Ammo availability

You RF shooters have all the fun. Shoot all weekend then try to outguess what is the current magic ammo.

Even with 2-3 tuners on a barrel your gun still will not shoot like it should.

Glad I parked my RF guns and stuck with the misery of reloading for CF.

Life is a B****. It would be even more of a B**** if we weren't trying to shoot "little bitty"!!!

I also have only been at this about two years. It's amazing that instead of trying to be helpful to newcomers there are some that discourage others. While I do find the ammo chase chaotic I have no intention of giving up with or without anyone's help. I will keep testing and I suppose that the longer I go the better chance I have of finding some really good stuff.

When I asked for some help here "Tim" told me to go build a rifle range and figure it out myself... a really swell guy!
I admit that I would love to have a range. While there are some things you can only learn on your own, there are some things that can be passed to others to help shorten the learning curve. I have been very lucky to have had some these people help me out. Those who have helped know who they are and I really appreciate it. Discouraging new shooters is just not necessary. It's tough enough already.
Please explain why posting with someone degrading your need for help does anything for your cause. I am not the only one on this forum that has spoken about 'Tim'. MANY have spoken about Tim and the crappy way he posts on this board. Tim is a non-positive poster that kinda takes the wind out of your sails when you are a new guy. To me, taking it private to not having to deal with one of, or the 'Tim' is worth it when a couple of new guys are trying to figure it out. I know it does not promote the way a forum should work. But when you have horses backsides like Tim, what option do you have?

Several months ago in open forum I asked 'Tim' if he was on a different board by a different user name. Upstate New York was my motive. There is another guy from the same region that posts in a similar style. Very high horse and not very helpful to anyone. True clown to the folks that are trying to learn the sport and grow it. He told me he only goes by 'Tim'. Perhaps this other guy is his brother, don't know.

My point being, I know a bunch of guys in the RFBR game. Most only by phone. Most, big hitters. NONE of them act like 'Tim'. Why should the OP of this thread, or myself, have to put up with someone like 'Tim', who posted NOTHING positive or helpful on this thread when we can talk privately and perhaps learn something from each other, without having to put up with a 'Tim'? Doing so MAKES GREAT SENSE! I see your point, but when you are just getting your feet on the ground, people like 'Tim' are of no use.......correction.......even if your feet are clearly on the ground........people like 'Tim' are of NO USE. Again, point being, private is better than 'Tim'. Hope you understand.

He has no 'spirit of the sport' that helps anyone, IMO, and I have lurked here far more than I have posted.

Best regards,

Always nice to see commentary from somebody that does'nt shoot and has 12 posts, usually bitching about something.
When I asked for some help here "Tim" told me to go build a rifle range and figure it out myself... a really swell guy!

See now, the trouble with stuff like this is that if you're going to lie, you want to make sure your post history isn'nt listed for anybody to see.
Never happened.
I admit that I would love to have a range. While there are some things you can only learn on your own, there are some things that can be passed to others to help shorten the learning curve. I have been very lucky to have had some these people help me out. Those who have helped know who they are and I really appreciate it. Discouraging new shooters is just not necessary. It's tough enough already.

Well I'll share some important information with you, against my better judgement.
Up here in the Northeast there has been a pretty good increase in some new shooters in IR 50/50 particularly in the New England area.
Virtually every one of them started out WANTING to learn and had open minds . In IR if anything, it is probably harder to find ammo because you need at least two guns and often what shoots in a sporter will not in a heavy gun.
In only a couple years several of these guys have gone on to win state, regional, national matches and world records.
They did it with discipline, a will to learn, fair amounts of hard work, and no pre concieved notions about
ammo conspiracy, so on and so forth.
So, frankly, man up sport because nobody, including me discourages new shooters, I have helped more than you're gonna talk to over the next several months. What I discourage is bulls..t internet theories.
What discourages new shooters is reading they are at a distinct disadvantage, implied in your first post, especially since you apparantly have yet to actually shoot a match.
If you noticed, virtually nobody with any experience posted here because too many view it as a complete waste. You don't want information you want somebody that agrees with you, which is why, ultimately, the trolls came out in full force.

Lastly, as to your first question, call KSS talk to Paul Tolsvted, ask him if what I told you was correct or not, he likely read this anyway, tell us what he said.
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Your right the trolls do come out. You see one every time that you look at yourself in the mirror. As to my shooting ability, I am learning but I did place 1st in sporter, 3rd in factory unlimited, and tied for 3rd in unlimited but was beat out on X count. Do I still still have something to learn absolutely and I don't shoot against some of the guys on the east coast. What I do know is that when I check the results from ara, psl ir50 shoots up there is I don't see your name winning ***t. While I have a lot to learn one thing for sure is it won't be from an ass like you. Maybe if I am lucky you will come south and we will get to settle our differences face to face. By the way I talked to Paul Tolvstad today.
Always nice to see commentary from somebody that does'nt shoot and has 12 posts, usually bitching about something.

I don't know where you get your information, nor do I care. Bitching about you seems to be rather common place though, so I am nothing special there.

I have not posted much here because as far as match shooting, I am totally new. I have been shooting bench for several years learning as I go, investing in equipment, making contact with people who have a name in the sport, via e-mail or phone conversations and mostly doing my own lot testing and with the past help of a super guy on the east coast......learning how to read conditions with the wind flags he makes. This guy has spent hours on the phone with me and traded countless e-mails. In my minds eye, he has the 'spirit of the sport'. He wants me to improve, he cares about a new guy getting involved in the sport and shows it with his attitude. All of this to prepare for my upcoming venture into formal ARA Unlimited comp this summer. You sir, also have attitude, just not a constructive or helpful one.

As far as all the people you have helped......I don't see it on this forum. All that many see here is how toxic you are. Now either we, ALL who feel this way, are incorrect, or you have some issue you are not seeing. I would guess?.....numbers are on my side about that. I shoot quite a bit when my work schedule allows, don't know why you think I don't. As stated earlier, don't care.

You keep being a horse's butt to new guys, and us new guys will keep finding people in the sport that are willing to give good mentoring so we improve and get something beneficial from the sport and our time and hard earned money pursuing it. I am certain that the way you post, you were shooting top scores and high X counts right from the crib, with no help from anyone more experienced than you!!

This will be my last sparring match with you. You have a sour attitude that is not worth my time to deal with, nor would I suggest others that are new dealing with it either. This would be where you post back, "Good doclu60, I don't care if you ever post again. You know nothing about what you are typing or what you are talking about, you no shooting clown". That would about sum it up from all the posts I have read that you authored.

Almost all the guys and gals in this VERY limited part of the shooting sports are wonderful people. You sir, are not. BTW, start using your spell check, would greatly add to your high opinion of yourself, you know.....spelling. Spelling is very important on a forum when trying to impress others about how 'cool' you are, compared to them. Just a hint from a guy that doesn't shoot......OH! look, I spelled 'doesn't' I get an X for that? Grow up Tim. I am sure you have some worth to new guys. Why you choose not to use it is beyond me, most likely others as well.

Regards, but not best
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Your right the trolls do come out. You see one every time that you look at yourself in the mirror. As to my shooting ability, I am learning but I did place 1st in sporter, 3rd in factory unlimited, and tied for 3rd in unlimited but was beat out on X count. Do I still still have something to learn absolutely and I don't shoot against some of the guys on the east coast. What I do know is that when I check the results from ara, psl ir50 shoots up there is I don't see your name winning ***t. While I have a lot to learn one thing for sure is it won't be from an ass like you. Maybe if I am lucky you will come south and we will get to settle our differences face to face. By the way I talked to Paul Tolvstad today.

Careful what you wish for there Joey. Dragging the RFC crew over here, are we?
Got an interesting call from a great supplier to the sport talking about that king sized chip you carry around on your shoulder, make some sense now.
Myself just being a CF shooter, I just read the RF section for entertainment... Your doing an absolute wonderful job with this thread..........
Interesting. I read a dissertation on spelling errors and see a dissertation filled with punctuation errors.
Interesting. I read a dissertation on spelling errors and see a dissertation filled with punctuation errors.

Well it was more than a dissertation on spelling. Perhaps you missed that. Since punctuation was never my strong suite......I stand guilty as charged!
the thing about shooting supplies and ammo is

there are always times of drought. It sucks for new folks and folks who don't keep a stock ahead but it's a reality in shooting. I have kept a year's supply ahead since the first time primers, powder and bullets dried up. If one can't afford to do that, they should question if they can seriously afford to play in these games.

Any good components and ammo are like money in the bank, secure and comforting to have but pays no return to speak of.

there are always times of drought. It sucks for new folks and folks who don't keep a stock ahead but it's a reality in shooting. I have kept a year's supply ahead since the first time primers, powder and bullets dried up. If one can't afford to do that, they should question if they can seriously afford to play in these games.

Any good components and ammo are like money in the bank, secure and comforting to have but pays no return to speak of.


Pete, when you're right you're right. An absolute must do.
I would like to offer my apologies to Mr. Tim. It has come to my attention that Mr Tim is indeed a first class shooter,in fact in one organization a hall of famer at the gold class level. We did not get off to a good start. While we still have our differences about the ammo situation, I have found that he is much better person than I originally thought. Do we agree on everything. Absolutely not. Me and my wife don't even do that. Anyway for showing my ass I apologize to the readers of this forum and will try to do better in the future.
I would like to offer my apologies to Mr. Tim. It has come to my attention that Mr Tim is indeed a first class shooter,in fact in one organization a hall of famer at the gold class level. We did not get off to a good start. While we still have our differences about the ammo situation, I have found that he is much better person than I originally thought. Do we agree on everything. Absolutely not. Me and my wife don't even do that. Anyway for showing my ass I apologize to the readers of this forum and will try to do better in the future.

It is'nt necessary, it is appreciated, it shows class. The delivery might be less than ideal, sometimes, but I'll always sincerely try and help. Good shooting.
The ammo deal will hopefully get easier as supplies keep coming in, just keep at it and get a few contacts.
Thanks Mr Tim. It is a little tougher being a relative beginner as you haven't made the contacts and friends within the game who can sometimes help your advancement and answer your questions.