Alumium, As a dear departed friend use to say, Stocks:

It is a 6.5x47, 40 degree Ackley, shoulder pushed forward .090. 130 JLk @ 3000 fps. It's just finished, I'm still testing, I will know more in the coming week or two. From what I've seen so far, tensioning doesn't hurt the barrel's performance. I had to rework my action attachment and quit my range session early.

Nothing in there but air. As I shoot the Saguaro NBRSA matches in Southern Arizona, I anticipate problems come summer. I may not be able to use it June to August. Maybe I can plumb the tube to run CO2 through it between our 5-shot relays. I also can pull the end tensioning ring and shoot with a freefloating barrel.
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Jerry, (with apologies to hijacking the thread for a post)

I shot a 6-Ackley (105 Clinch River bullets @ 3,400 fps) with a tensioned-barrel. Even in the middle of a Carolina summer, I could get 10 rounds with no shot dispersion due to heat. Joel Pendergraft could get about that many with a .300 Ackley LG. Jeff Rogers in Australia shoots a big 30 HG with no shot dispersion issues, and it is hot there. He did once remark he'd gotten the barrel so hot he lost tension, and that of course caused dispersion.

The same with my first HG, which was essentially a .300 Dakota. Alan Peake of Australia & I doubled up with it at a N.C State match, no dispersion. We did run water down the bore between our relays.

Some seem heat sensitive, some don't. Moral: if yours is, don't shoot too many sighters. Water through the barrel between relays.

But yours is smaller. I shot a PPC with a tensioned barrel at a regular match with no problems. Alabama in October, so less ambient heat, but I'd expect no trouble even in summer.

Both Joel and I shoot HGs with tensioned barrels. Current versions use 3.5" (mine) and 5" (Joel's) pipe with an 1.250 barrel. There is water between the tube and barrel, and they run cooler than anything I've seen. If you try this with smaller diameter pipe, make sure there is sufficient water over the top of the barrel at it's full diameter near the breech. If not, they stretch. Shots walk down then back up as the heat stabilizes. Gas sounds promising -- if there is a way to keep it in.

Keep us informed please
Because they are ugly, I know, because that is all I shot. But, they have their advantages;

-light weight to stiffness ratio, my sporter/lv's weighed a total of 15 oz. with 6 verticle stiffeners.

-absolute straight tracking capabilities because the tubular members were straight dimensioned.

-ability to glue and screw bed without pillaring.......etc..............Don

Hi Don,
I saw your picture on this thread and wondered what you have been up to.
Do you shoot BR any more?
Sure do miss you at the matches and the old San Gab range.
Pete, I've had a couple of these:



The one pictured is a LV stock. I also had a HV version of this stock that Stan Ware now has.

These were the original CPS aluminum stocks. I believe Bob White at The Shooters Corner still has some for sale.

Good shootin'. :) -Al
Hi Don,
I saw your picture on this thread and wondered what you have been up to.
Do you shoot BR any more?
Sure do miss you at the matches and the old San Gab range.

Howdy Gene,

Been out to Angeles a couple of times with brothers hunting stuff, and bumped into the BR guys, hope to make it out to the Ben Avery sometime this winter and catch you guys by surprise..............Don
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Howdy Gene,

Been out to Angeles a couple of times with brothers hunting stuff, and bumped into the BR guys, hope to make it out to the Ben Avery sometime this winter and catch you guys by surprise..............Don

Don, That's great!! Looking forward to seeing you. It's been a while.......Gene