Adventures in Production Class

Brain Fade

Yesterday was an absolute disaster, and most of that disaster was my own fault! (More on that later.) The wind was an absolute bear on card one giving me a dismal 225/4X. Card 2 was in the money, a 240/4X. Card 3 was where my self induced disaster happened! I shot the card and scanned all the bulls and noticed I had skipped #4. Aligning the scope and squeezing the trigger I was shocked to see TWO new holes in bull 9, directly below bull 4! I had loaded two pellets accidentally. Thus, an X in bull 9 became a minus 7! OUCH! Had I not made that major screw up, the three target score would have been 697/12X rather than 690/11X. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Fortunately, I was not the only one to have a mental brain fade yesterday, but we will keep that person's story to ourselves not wanting to embarrass anyone else!

Steve W.

Thanks Steve but I already admitted to skipping 1 target and double shooting another. Cost me the match for that little fade.
The best title for this post is "The Curse of Bench 11." Sun was in my face obscuring my vision, winds whipped then laid down. Targets were difficult to see as the target board was in the shade while the sun was on me. Given all that, the first target was money, 241-4X. If I could replicate that twice more, it would have been a good day. Unfortunately, it just got worse. The second card was a 225-1X. I felt that was probably the worst and things would improve again. But, it was not to be. The final card was the worst in my short Production career - a 212-0X. The three card total was a miserable 678-5X.

Our club shoots the best 15 of 21 cards; so, everything but the 241 will go in the trash as these 3 cards completed my 21.

So, where from here? When Steve proposed the Production class, he did it with the intent that shooters could dip their toes in the game without investing lots of money then upgrade if they were hooked. OK, I am hooked; so, I have upgraded. You will soon see me shooting some scores in Mike's club reports in HV as I purchased a used Theoben in .177. But, I am not giving up Production. I hope to shoot both HV and Production just to see how things develop with the Marauder. And I think it important to keep this thread going to encourage new shooters. So, this thread won't go away, it will just have a bit less activity.

Thanks to everyone for supporting a new shooter.

Steve W.
The conditions can present some challenges. A good set of wind flags can help but with your club going indoors, you might want to put that decision off until spring.

We are going to keep Production class through 2013, however, a little tweaking of the rules might be in order. The original intent will stay the same.

Here is where we are:

Any unregulated rifle with factory stock, barrel and trigger and not to exceed $700.00 MSRP, including scope and scope rings.
Only adjustments made by the owner that involve deleting factory components, not the addition of any component.
.177, .20 and .22 calibers are allowed.
All power plants are allowed, springer, SSP, MSP, CO2 and PCP.
Any power level is allowed.
Any weight rifle is allowed.
Shooting will be off bags or a mechanical rest where the adjustment knobs are not used during the course of fire.
International scoring rules will apply.
Target distance will be 25 meters.

We do want to continue our discussion of the rules later in the year.
Since I have a Dan Greenlaw mechanical rest coming to me in 2 days, I can certainly live with those rules. :) What's the status of "Sporter"? I have a rifle that will probably meet those rules and could shoot 3 classes! :) :)

Steve W.