I am fairley new to the game. However I have found wind with a combination of mirage can cause vertical. Especially when the mirage out weighs the wind. We had a condition this past weekend were the day started off , typical, 40F wind /switch 1:00 -11:00 eventually a drop in velocity combined with and brighter / warming condition sent a bubble of goo across the range. Wind flags would indicate a 4:00 light hold to float the shots onto the dot. 1:00 o'clock wind. The bubble, mirage, would start running from 9 -3 even though flags were still 1:00. This ended up with a 7-8:00 o'clock OR 4:00 low scratch ten ? I couldn't bring myself to attempt a record shot with wind running at 11:00. Sighter proved totally unpredictable vertical . I focused on a few flags and shot the direction of the mirage. Flags were there to show velocity and a 1:00 direction. Wind Pick up and steady 1:00 right to left mirage, dot on dot, send it. It took a blown third match to figure that out, no lost points, thank the wind god's . Ended up with 2 no hold and 1 over hold, line breakers on both ends of the 10 ring. There again, when that much is going on, who really knows what happened? All I know is this saved my day and did last season on a few occasions too. The wind charts are good to help understand what should happen and why, not really what will happen all the time. Call your shot, hold accordingly to the chart and send it to the sighter. Then hold/click to what that tells you. I am at the point were I will rely on the mirage run and a few close flags over the total line of flags and a probe until The wreck occurs. I dont own a probe, but a few fellow shooters are sharing, I just have to peek every now and then. Probe will not indicate direction of mirage. Just Something to try if practicing in a mirage.
Andy B.