A retiree's thought

When the supervisor complains you know you're not done, otherwise just keep doing nothing. Works for me. :D
Two observations

1. I can retire in 2 years, but the enconomy has tanked and is taking my 401k with it. Don't think I can retire. Ain't lookin' good.
2. Ya'll are a bunch of men who are retired with time on their hands, right? Nobody has mentioned sex. Still don't think I can retire. Ain't lookin' good.

I appoligize, but somebody had to say it. Please forgive me. Is there hope? I'm confused. :confused:
Stay safe......Doug:D
1. I can retire in 2 years, but the enconomy has tanked and is taking my 401k with it. Don't think I can retire. Ain't lookin' good.
2. Ya'll are a bunch of men who are retired with time on their hands, right? Nobody has mentioned sex. Still don't think I can retire. Ain't lookin' good.

I appoligize, but somebody had to say it. Please forgive me. Is there hope? I'm confused. :confused:
Stay safe......Doug:D

Sex is a 4 letter word-----none
In the words of the great George Burns...

"It's like shooting pool with a rope." :D

Pulled the trigger today

Last Day on the job, now retired for the second time. Hope to get more shooting in now. Some of my guns have not been shot in so long they think that I am mad at them.