A modest propoal . . .

Hey Bruce
Don't worry too much what you read on these forums.Jerry shoots at the range atleast 3 days a week and his notes over the past 15 years would fill a battleship.If you look at the last matches results posted below in the match forum he didn't win it all.
As to the statement he only shoots good in the wind that is false as he always shoots very well.The advantage he has in the wind is he shoots in it all the time and he can read the flags better than those who shoot there only occasionaly.
If on a calm day you are shooting 4 inch groups and on a windy day you are shooting 10 inches Jerry doesn't see that much variation.On a calm day he might shoot 5 inches and on a windy day he might shoot 7 inches are only two inches worse.
Right now the NBRSA is developing a Hall Of Masters were all of the shoioting sports top dogs will be under one roof.Jerry owns first place by a wide margin.

In IBS shooting like mentioned here you shoot at 1 target with around 10 other shooters and if you shoot the smallest group or the highest score you go to a shoot off were all of the relay winners compete under the same conditions.

In NBRSA we shoot 3 lightgun targets and 3 heavygun targets and the best aggregate of score and group is the winner.As you know relay 1 has a big advantage due to the wind not being as bad.

The IBS guys are trying to even the playing field and thats why this post was generated.

In your case listen to Jerry as a nicer guy you won't find.Ken and Bob are also good guys to pay attention too.I have some amazing guns but can't figure out the wind so I'm hoping for good conditions in october.
Lynn aka Waterboy
P.S. Don't eat too much striper as they are full of contaminants.
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