6PPC fire forming



6PPC fire forming with 6mm bullet not popular?

I have been using the search function to find out how everyone is fire forming there brass for there 6ppc. I bought some brass from Ron Hoehn all ready to fire form.

I see everyone is mostly using bulleye and a wad of some sort to fire form.

I would like to know why it is not popular to just stick a 6mm bullet with your n133 and shoot? Is it not really that safe to do, is that why it is not so popular?

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I have been using the search function to find out how everyone is fire forming there brass for there 6ppc. I bought some brass from Ron Hoehn all ready to fire form.

I see everyone is mostly using bulleye and a wad of some sort to fire form.

I would like to know why it is not popular to just stick a 6mm bullet with your n133 and shoot? Is it not really that safe to do, is that why it is not so popular?


Put the fast powder/wad fire forming method on hold till ya do it with someone who knows... In person so as not to go NUCLEAR...:(.. It can happen to a new guy in a heart beat...!

133 or H322 at 26.0gr about half way up the neck and a >>>cheap<<< 6mm bullet (Speer 70gr TNT or a 70gr Hornady SP) works well.

Note.... Use your FL die to just lightly bump your cases shoulder to give your bolt lugs a break. Though try one empty case in your chamber, if the bolt closes kinda hard... Give the brass shoulders a light bump.

Seat the bullets long... Fire at the range...

Brass will pop out ready to go!


I assume your brass you got from Ron is already neck turned.

I feel safe in saying that the majority of shooters who turn necks first simply load the neck turned 220 Russian with a suitable 6mm bullet and 133, and shoot it. Filling the case to the neck shoulder junction will do just fine.

There are quite a few shooters, I am one, who first shoot the 220 Russian, loaded with a cheap 22 bullet and 133. What comes out is a non neck turned Lapua 6PPC Case. I then turn the necks, fire again with a full charge, and they are ready to go to the line.

There are also many shooters who use a small amount of fast pistol powder, corn meal to take up the space, and some sort of wadding to hold it all in there. You get about the same results as with the 22 bullet and 133.

All get the job done., and each method has its fans. I like blowing them out before neck turning because I know exactly where the neck shoulder junction forms. I like using the 22 bullet and 133 because that corn meal version is messy as all heck.

What ever floats your boat and is most convienient.........jackie
I assume your brass you got from Ron is already neck turned.

I feel safe in saying that the majority of shooters who turn necks first simply load the neck turned 220 Russian with a suitable 6mm bullet and 133, and shoot it. Filling the case to the neck shoulder junction will do just fine.

There are quite a few shooters, I am one, who first shoot the 220 Russian, loaded with a cheap 22 bullet and 133. What comes out is a non neck turned Lapua 6PPC Case. I then turn the necks, fire again with a full charge, and they are ready to go to the line.

There are also many shooters who use a small amount of fast pistol powder, corn meal to take up the space, and some sort of wadding to hold it all in there. You get about the same results as with the 22 bullet and 133.

All get the job done., and each method has its fans. I like blowing them out before neck turning because I know exactly where the neck shoulder junction forms. I like using the 22 bullet and 133 because that corn meal version is messy as all heck.

What ever floats your boat and is most convienient.........jackie

Jackie.. Yes the brass I got from Ron is all ready turned for me. I had read your post before when I was using the search function. I didnt want to use a 22 bullet in my 6ppc barrel, I didnt like the idea of it rattling around on the rifleing. Ron already exspanded the neck for 6mm, So I am assuming all I have to do is fire form it one why or the other. I was just wondering why I did not see more post on just sticking a 6mm bullet in there, and shoot it to fire form it.
I am nervious about fire forming ..I am more releved now that everyone says its ok to just load it and shoot it. I was sweeting it for awhile ..Just making sure I am being safe.

Thank you
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Put the fast powder/wad fire forming method on hold till ya do it with someone who knows... In person so as not to go NUCLEAR...:(.. It can happen to a new guy in a heart beat...!

133 or H322 at 26.0gr about half way up the neck and a >>>cheap<<< 6mm bullet (Speer 70gr TNT or a 70gr Hornady SP) works well.

Note.... Use your FL die to just lightly bump your cases shoulder to give your bolt lugs a break. Though try one empty case in your chamber, if the bolt closes kinda hard... Give the brass shoulders a light bump.

Seat the bullets long... Fire at the range...

Brass will pop out ready to go!


Thats some good info, you must have been reading my mind. I didnt know if I should full length size it first or not. Because I did stick a new case in the chamber and the bolt was a little hard to close. So now I know I have to bump the shoulder a little bit and fire form. I was worried about that. I didnt really know what my next step should be. Now I know Thanks.I dont have any 70gr bullets, but I have some burger 68s. Will that blow it out enough.

Thank you
hi dan

glad to hear you had a good time on sunday.
myself aswell have met some very nice people in this sport.
sounds like you got some very good advice from cal and jackie
looking forward to shoot together somtime
Just load them with the Bergers and about 26grs of N133. Use the forming shots for practice - I'm sure it will group nicely even when fireforming.

Lube the cases very lightly to reduce friction. That will help the case expand the right way. Read about it in Mike Ratigan's book.
For my latest batch of cases I put a drop of Tru-Kote Bolt Magic on a towel and wiped all cases with it. They were super slick and formed very well.
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Dan K

Some reasons for fireforming with cornmeal: it can be done without a range. Some actually do it in their basement. I simply step outside as I live in a very rural spot. Another reason is cost. I shoot a 30br and 30 caliber factory bullets approach the cost of custom bullets. I hate waisting 100 or more bullets to fireform. Third reason, very minor, is that I can fireform a 100 cases without having to wait too long as the barrel doesn't seem to get as hot. I can also do it at night as I get out of work sometimes after the sun has set. Randy J.

Since you have a little tight bolt feel on closing. Barely...Barely bumb the cases. Leave the lube your using on the case on there, do not wipe them off. Then seat a primer, fill the case with powder up to where the base of the bullet will be. Seat the bullet at jam and fire.

Dan ...

I have been using the search function to find out how everyone is fire forming there brass for there 6ppc. I bought some brass from Ron Hoehn all ready to fire form.

I see everyone is mostly using bulleye and a wad of some sort to fire form.

I would like to know why it is not popular to just stick a 6mm bullet with your n133 and shoot? Is it not really that safe to do, is that why it is not so popular?


TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION: It's not popular with some folks because they don't want to incur the added expense of buying bullets to simply fire form. Fire forming is viewed as a preparatory function with the objective of keeping the cost of performing it at bear minimum. Nothing wrong with that. But that's why. ;) Personally, I use inexpensive bullets.
I think anyone early on the learning curve should just load them with the bullet you are going to use and fire away. I find my 6ppc forming loads shoot pretty good.

Now if your a HOF shooter it might be called wasting bullets.
My way....

I like using the 22 bullet and 133 because that corn meal version is messy as all heck.

What ever floats your boat and is most convienient.........jackie

I use a small cotton plug from cotton ball material to plug the end. Works fine and without the mess.
