4000 round ammo test

A game is a game is a game

I went to a 200 YD RF Benchrest match a week ago Sunday. There was a good group of fellows, some Benchrest shooters and some folls who would never have shown up to a sanctioned Benchrest match.

Everyone had a great time and it was fun. Everyone was seriously trying to win. It was amazing how well some of the rifles shot also. A game is a game is a game. Best not to minimize what the other fellow finds fun and interesting, it's his game and he likes it. We need all of em we can get.
So, Peter, I would like to hear more about that match. What targets did you shoot (what sort of scoring ring diameters did it have for those that may not recognize whatever target you used)?

And then what sort of group sizes and scores were shot? Sounds like an excellent time and I would like to hear more about the results.

200 yard 22lr benchrest

I would also appreciate it if you gave us more details and results of the 200 yard 22lr rimfire shoot as I shoot that distance also.
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I need to go back and see--did the same ammo produce similarly small groups at all 3 test ranges?? (or something close to it..

Or said another way-were the top 2-4 (smallest) groups at 25, 50 and 100 fired with the same brands?

Nice rifle....but doesn't nean a thing to my rifle or me. Think about it.:)
would it matter

I know this 4000 rd test is pretty cool at least to me it is.
A few have said it does not mean much to them and there rifle.

I have no experience in shooting BR of any kind.
Some day I may set myself up with the a custom benchrest rifle, ammo and equipment and go at it. But for now im on this forum for one reason ......Information.
So Im wondering if someone would do a 4000 rd test on a custom 22 benchrest rifle " let just say it is set up exactly like your own, you know Same barrel, Same action, Same trigger, Same stock " and they use the same rest that you use....Would this be any diffrent.?
Would the information from this test eliminate the need to ammo test or just narrow it down?
From what Iv seen just on this forum alone most shooters narrow there ammo selection down to just a few to begin with anyway. Which is no doubt the reason why such a test for benchrest shooters has not been done / or has it?, or is even needed / or is it ?

I still think its pretty cool no matter what.

Joe Lipari
I think most[not all] rimfire BR shooters have neither the funds or time to do this. I don't think the test was designed to help the BR shooters. I believe it is more for the plinker and shows what might happen if you bought so and so ammo for your CZ452. I think it still shows that your better quality ammo shoots well and some of the cheap stuff ain't bad.
Keep watching as it is an ongoing test.
saeed testing

I'm watching and waiting Butch. I'm logged into Saeed's website to see future results. I want to see what his custom 10/22 ruger can do. My friend, Ervin Zador has one that can shoot .182 inch groups on a indoor range regularly, scored with a electronic target setup.
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rifle and ammo testing

For those who this test by Saeed was a waste of time and ammo. I suggest you go to this website,"Batch testing at Eley". This is ammo testing done on a vise type rest with your personal rifle, to find the best lot number that suits your rifle. It removes the shooter completely from the equation. I'm assuming that most of you shoot Eley Tenex in matches. If these tests have no relevancy to improving your shooting only GOD can help you and I'll pray for you.

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Another view

Most on the documented ammo tests we see posted here, are of value only to the shooter doing the tests. He's testing the ammo he has, not what we can buy. If you will notice by Lot number, and name, most all of this ammo is either out of production or older production that most all dealers are out of stock. I believe Steve B from Vegas, wrote a book on this same subject and proved the same thing.
I think

So, Peter, I would like to hear more about that match. What targets did you shoot (what sort of scoring ring diameters did it have for those that may not recognize whatever target you used)?

And then what sort of group sizes and scores were shot? Sounds like an excellent time and I would like to hear more about the results.


We shot at the 100 Yd off hand target. It was quite big. We shot two rounds of ten shots for score. Two of the shooters had 19 in the 10. #One shooter had 10 in the x ring and second place had 5. I don't remember what third place had for a score but I think he lost 3 out to the 9 ring.

I was holding on the outside of the 10 ring at about 2:00 to drop them into the 10 and x ring.
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No sir

..........So Im wondering if someone would do a 4000 rd test on a custom 22 benchrest rifle " let just say it is set up exactly like your own, you know Same barrel, Same action, Same trigger, Same stock " and they use the same rest that you use....Would this be any diffrent.?..........

It would not.

Identical parts do not comprise identical rifles. Folks have spent lifetimes trying to duplicate accuracy...mostly in vain.
to test or not to test !

So then its not that he is testing on a non benchrest rifle?

Really all this test is showing is someone has a lot of spare time on there hands and is willing to share there findings with us ..... kind of nice...dont you think.
Ok so you really cant use the findings to know what ammo shoots best in "your gun". But I think it does show that maybe just maybe you can be competitive with less expensive ammo if you give them a non bias try.
Then again maybe not maybe im wrong......
Just my thoughts
Joe Lipari / the non benchrest shooter!

Ps: I think there should be a beginners class in rimfire benchrest where the limit is not on the rifle only but also on the ammo ( you cant shoot ammo that cost more then $6 a box of 50 ).
Saeed has a Hall rifle that he is going to use as well as a whole host of other RF rifles. If that doesn't interest you watch for his 1200 grain bullet test in his 700 cal. rifle.

Good afternoon, Third place in that match was a 198-9X, and 4th place was 198-8X, they were my targets. My first match off a rest. My biggest problem was not being able to see bullet strikes with my 25-X spotting scope. Oh, the target was. I believe a 200 yd repair center, 13" aiming black. I don't know if we talked, at the match, I am not a member yet. Next time. This certainly won't be my last match, I'm hooked. A great bunch of guys! Thanks, Charles
50 yards in zeros

I went back and rechecked all of Saeeds 50 yard groups. He shot in the zeros 5 times. The rimfire competition record is .09 shot in 2001 by Mr. Jerry Luck. Saeed bested that mark 3 times. Very impressed...
We shot at the 100 Yd off hand target. It was quite big. We shot two rounds of ten shots for score. Two of the shooters had 19 in the 10. #One shooter had 10 in the x ring and second place had 5. I don't remember what third place had for a score but I think he lost 3 out to the 9 ring.

I was holding on the outside of the 10 ring at about 2:00 to drop them into the 10 and x ring.

thanks for the information. Sounds like you had a lot of fun.

If you keep doing it, you might consider the German Ring target sold by ASSRA or WSU. The 200 yds target has a 1.5" 25 pt ring and each ring going out is 3/4" wide. I am not sure if anyone has shot a clean 250 on that target or not but folks come close. I've been in the upper 240s many times. I wonder if the fully tricked out rifles from the modern BR would be much better.

Were you able to watch your bullets loop into the target? I get such a kick out of watching my bullets in 200 yds benchrest shooting. You can really see what the wind can do.

BTW, the targets mentioned come in Red WSU or Orange (ASSRA) and make spotting shots at 200 yds much easier. If you cannot see your bullet holes, you really can't learn to shoot into the wind very well, so the color is important.

Most of us use zoom spotting scopes like Kowas or similar, and they do a pretty good job at 200.

Thanks again.
200 Yard Match at LCRC on 4/11/2010

So, Peter, I would like to hear more about that match. What targets did you shoot (what sort of scoring ring diameters did it have for those that may not recognize whatever target you used)?

And then what sort of group sizes and scores were shot? Sounds like an excellent time and I would like to hear more about the results.


used the NRA SR-C center fire 200 yard target ( 3" X ring, 7" 10 Ring and 13" 9 ring), benchrest. Guns were limited to .22 long rifle rimfire only. Two classes, any sight and iron sights. There were 18 guns shooting, 2 I believe were iron sight shooters. One gent shot 2 guns so 17 shooters. Format was 15 minute sight in period divided roughly in half to allow shooters to walk to the targets to examine them up close, then remaining sight in period to refine sight pic.

Then 10 minutes for 10 shots, 5 minute break, then 10 minutes for final 10 shots.

Here is a link to some pics of my 200 yard target shot with my Rem 37 and a 20X Unertl. Pete shot this gun too. Ammo was Federal 922A (RWS) target std velocity.


It was a nice collection of old Remingtons, Win 52's and pre-A's, a 100 year old Stevens 44 1/2, Lyman STS, Junior TS's, Unertls and a Litschert or two. Lots of fun, challenging and nostalgic. Pretty good combo. Do a search on Lincoln County Rifle Club. The results were not up yesterday but are supposed to be posted sometime soon. --Greg