johan teughels
so i need help
Seat a bullet long, measure it then close the bolt on it and remeasure. If its shorter then thats your jam length and your zero starting point
Looks like you have slightly fat bullets and/or a tight free bore. The fact that you can force a reversed bullet in about 0.3" suggests that the bullet is not much larger than the free bore, if at all. But the leading edge of the free bore is scraping the carbon off the normally seated bullet, which means that the diameter of the bullet plus the carbon is larger than the free bore. This might be the cause of your accuracy problems. Bullets should be a few tenths smaller than the free bore.
Hope this helps,
will sierra 125 gr fb (2121) work ?
can not find info on use ofthat sort of bullets inthe 30x47 configuration i got
any idea on the lenght /ogive seems i can not find it on the sierra site