What I did was take a 6BR barrel, chuck it up true, and simply ream the neck portion out to .330. You load up a standard 6BR, and fire it in that chamber. What comes out is a formed non neck turned 30BR Case. The shoulder in the correct place. The very end may be "curled" a little, but that is taken care of when you do the final neck up for your neck turner.
When forming this way, the case retains most of it's originol length, so I have a reamer that reflects this with a overall final chamber length of 1.550.
Most of the shooters down here in our area make their cases this way, and have a barrel to make the cases.
One note, there is no danger at the range forming cases this way, as you are shooting a 6mm bullet down a 6mm barrel. There is some contraversy when blowing out a 220 Russian in a 6mm barrel to make aq 6PPC because bullets might go anywhere.........jackie