As much as I wonder if I am nuts again, I acquired a set of bullet dies and was going to set up to make some 30's. I have load of 1.000 inch long jackets and a 7 ogive neimi driving band die. What is the concensus on the best weight for this configuration. Thanks
Jerry, with 1.00" long jackets, and a seven ogive point-up die, anything from about 115 trhough 130 Gr. will work prety well - it's tough to beat 118 trhough 125 Gr. Unless you got/get a bunch of core-seat punches, at 0.0005" increments, within the defined range, give or take a little, just make whatever weight correlates to the correct VOLUME for your core-seat die, jackets and punch(es). Good shootin'! RG
I agree with your first statement. "Your Nuts".
I got back from a shipyard about an hour ago, and waiting on me were 2000 118 grn 10 Ogive BIB bullets, sitting on my desk.
The most effort I will put out is writing the check, and opening the boxes.
Good Luck..........jackie