30 BR question

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
I have a number of 30 BR cases in which the base of the case is too large. These were used cases I purchased. I remember that we used a 41 magnum pistol die to remedy this situation on PPC cases a long time ago. Does anyone know of a similar fix for 30 BR cases?

Thank you for your answers. I will try the 45 cal. carbide die first. I have that one already. I might also purchase a small base .308 die. It may come in handy later on.
Dr. Tim, along with the 45ACP die, this small base die with the upper portion bored out works great. Francis and Paul Becigneul make and sell a 'ring die' that will touch up the bases.

Good shootin' :) -Al


Timmy, I've posted before that Charles Huckaba showed me his. He took a full length sizing die, cut about .200" off the base and then run a drill the diameter of the shoulder through the throat . You now have an adjustable small base die.
I have a number of 30 BR cases in which the base of the case is too large. These were used cases I purchased. I remember that we used a 41 magnum pistol die to remedy this situation on PPC cases a long time ago. Does anyone know of a similar fix for 30 BR cases?
Is a 41 magnum die still a good solution for the 6PPC?
My FL-die was already selected for the chamber, but still I suffer some „clicks“.
I bought an undersized Lee carbide 45 ACP die off Ebay this summer for $25. shipped that is a dream to use. The carbide part is very nice. Even though the Wilson die works fine, I run the cases through the Lee first. It has a depriming stem in it as well. One can either use or not. I have plenty of time to fool with these cases so one or two extra steps is not an issue for me
In 30BRs that get tight at the back end, polishing the chamber and then backing up on the amount of sizing is a better approach than more aggressive sizing.