Hi John. Sounds like things are going the right direction for 'ya.
One thing in your post got my attention: a Wilson seating die gives .040 of stem movement per each full rotation. A 1 1/4 'total' turn as you did will have changed the seating depth by .050. If the seater was set up to 'jam' the bullet .030 (for example) past the 'just touching' point that means you ended up jumping .020 when you got your best accuracy.
It's the rare .30 barrel that likes that much jump although I've certainly seen 'em. But that's the really great thing about accurate rifle...they tell us what they like.-Al
Yes that is what my smith told me after I told him of my progress . I don't remember ever having a bullet of that design shoot that was not jamed hard in the lands. He told me that the wilson was .030 per turn . All I know is that it sure worked and the bullet is just touching the riffleing.
I was going on what Randy R. told me to do with his BIB bullets , but like you said all barrels will tell you what they want. My smith is Sid Goodling Thanks for all the help. I ddn't think I would ever get back into the bench rest game since I had given it up back in the mid to late 70's . Now at 62 years young the bug has bitten again .