25 yard group size.


nobody measures center to center in group benchrest matches, maybe in your back yard, but not at the supershoot, or any other offical match. and wether you shoot at 10 feet from the target of 1000 yards its still the same. outside to outside less the bullet"""""""""

Centerfire groups are measured using a device that returns center to center measurement. No subtracting occurs. The reason for the device is the inconsistent size of a single bullet hole.
Derek, very nice. In reading your post #30 you have met some real nice folks, and that's all that matters, if you please 50 percent of the people you meet you are doing great.

Did you ever notice how difficult it is to argue with someone who's not obsessed with being right?

Have fun outside at 50.
Take Care,
First off, Derek, great groups. I mean those are outstanding groups.

Wilbur, Thanks for the info.

Slinkazoid, post some of your groups if you know how. :confused:

Now getting back to the plugs they use in scoring. The plugs will actually give you a break so to speak and give you some points when they are borderline when scoring on best edge targets like IR50/50, RBA, or even the USBR targets. On ARA targets, the scoring plugs can actually take points away from what a bullet actually printed on the paper. But you have to have some means of keeping things to a set standard and following a set form of rules. The scoring plugs are set to be right at the actual diameter of the bullet or bullets being shot at the targets. You use the plugs on the questionable shots. The plug is the standard used to determine questionable shots. The plug can be your friend, or your enemy depending on what target you are shooting. Maybe they set the plugs for 22 rimfire at .224 on purpose which I doubt because they already knew the bullet won't on avg print a .224 hole on paper, so people would not get robbed on the borderline shots just missing the higher score rings.

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Group measuring and shooting bullets on paper, and we will stay with 22 rimfire since we are discussing it here, but the exact same can be said on any other bullet diameter you shoot on paper will consistantly on avg print a smaller bullet hole than the actual true diameter of the bullet you are shooting. When we shoot groups with a 22 rimfire and try to measure them from outside to outside, remember the bullets that made the tiny hole or group did not print on avg a .224 hole on the 5 shots, 10 shots, or however many shots you chose to shoot to make up the group. So if a bullet from a rimfire gun isn't printing a .224 avg hole then we don't need to deduct .224 for bullet diameter from the total outside to outside spread. We are only making our groups smaller by doing so.

I invite those that care too and are interested to go out and shoot several bullet holes on different thicknesses of paper from different brands of ammo to see what they find a 22 rimfire bullet to print for an avg bullet hole. Like I said earlier measure from black smear to black smear with a good set of accurate calipers and use a bright LED flashlight to better see with, and some may find it helpful to use a magnifying glass or better yet a lighted magnifying lamp if you have one.
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i would but it's kinda dark out

wish i could shoot 25 yds indoors. even if you add .006
to those ctc still not bad for someone shooting 20 shot
groups just startin' out in rimfire br. ah what the heck i'm
new to this stuff too, what do i know?
if you lived around me you'd have a standing invite to come and shoot. the only person that shoots with me now is my girlfriend. i let her use the rifle i was shooting in matches with at the local and she does very well. i'm going to slip her behind a .223 this spring and get her shooting centerfire as well:). she sizes brass for me when i reload and she really enjoys it:D!! if i'm in the man cave working she'll come in sit down and ask to do it. so i'm trying to teach her just like dad did me. she is asking great questions and doing good. i'll show her everything in the reloading manual and let her read it as well so she has a better place for info than just me. i can't wait till it warms up so i can get outside and shoot 50 in the wind and start learning what this gun does in the wind. with centerfires i can adjust the windage on the scope to put the bullets back into the target if the wind is constant. when it is gusting i have to sit and watch the flags. these rimfires will be a new game for me. inside it is easy. everything is perfect. no wind. i'll post a picture of my shooting table and rests in a few minutes. i think people will be amazed at what i'm using. nothing fancy. a plastic $60 shooting table, a caldwells br rest and caldwells rear bag. i have a leather bag on the front rest that is not full and tight. it is loose and sloppy. i use it shooting centerfire benchrest as well. i'm on the fall list for a rest made by students at a school. till then what i have is working for me and i will continue to use it. i want a one piece rest as well. i don't have the highest priced stuff and i shoot well with what i have. i don't go from target to target by moving nobs. i move the rear of the rifle and shoot. it works for me. when i get the outside ammo i'll set the scope and start shooting just like in matches. i'll get a egg timer and set it and do it like that. i'll try to make it as close as i can get it at home this spring. i'm very demanding on myself and it shows in my gun colection. i have the most accurate rifles i've ever owned right now. and when the barrels go south i'll just have them all rebarreled. when i get a gun that shoots like i want it to i keep it. lord knows i've got a sea of rifles that didn't meet my standards behind me. i baught 25 rifles in one year 2 years ago. i have 2 of them left. the rest didn't make the cut.
this is my indoor bench and rests. a cheap and simple set up.
So, what kind of house you got there? There's about 5 feet behind your "firiing line" and I would assume there are a few feet beyond the target, and it looks like the area, which I guess is a basement, is finished. Big house to have enough room to shoot 75 feet with footage left over. I would like to see the picture from the bench to the target, maybe with a measuring tape laid in there for good measure so to speak. Not to doubt you or anything but just like to see the details. That looks like a unstable bench too to produce such consistent groups.
nope. the table is actually pretty steady. my old plastic table was off my back unstairs deck was my old unsteady shooting table. i have over 2600 sq feet up stairs with the same amount in the basement. i had this home biult. there is about 3 feet behind the table and about that behind the trap. i don't mind putting lil tidbit's of pictures up on the net but never pictures of the entire basement. i have a bar, pool table, neon signs, and a home theatre room down there as well as my laundry room and another full bath. i also have 2 cautches and a bunch of bar stools. i'm not very old but i have a job that affords me nicer things in life. i'm just a lucky hillbilly. thats all.
You're not shooting on a diagonal. You have 3 feet behind the bench, three feet behind the target and the firing line is at the END of the bench, so you have approximately 9 feet of unused space and you're shooting 75 feet, so your length is approx 84 feet. That means the width of your house is about 28.5 feet. That's a strange looking house. I don't blame you, I wouldn't take a picture of the firing range either.
Gentleman, don't know the group center to center size, but this was shot at 25 yards. Ammo and rifle are listed on the target. Sights are iron (Redfield International Rear and Olympic Front). I find it acceptable.

I still have this great 5 shot 100yd group that you are referring to that Randy McCarver sent me that he shot with his custom turbo. It may only be just one 5 shot group, but it's still the smallest 5 shot group at 100yds I have seen with a 22lr. I invite anyone who wants to say anything negative about this .275ctc 5 shot group to go out and try to beat it with your tackdriver. :D That gold piece below the picture is aspirin size just to give you a better perspective of how small this 5 shot group is. I have personally measured this group myself and will say that Randy measured the group correctly.


Randy is just an awesome shooter and a nice guy who will share info to anyone who ask him for advice. He's taught me a lot along with some other good guys here as well.

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i'll agree. randy is one heck of a good guy and has given me nothing but great advice and in a very helpful way. anything he has to tell me i will listen to. another really great guy is jerry chapman. he has given me great advice as well. and as far as my house you missed the measurements some. it's 81 foot from inside wall to inside wall. and 40 foot across. all i know is it is over 2600 sq ft. i don't go crazy over the footage. i have a nice big home just like i wanted. i lived here alone for a year then my girlfriend moved in with me in september. i'm in the middle of cooking steak and eggs, with bisciuts and gravy right now. i just got home and she'll be getting up to go to work in a few minutes.