.22 lr rim thickness

  • Thread starter William Colbert
  • Start date
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I have offered Jason Frymier use of the Facility to have IR50/50 UL Indoor Matches if he wants to try it ! He got with Mike Cameron to see if the Georgia Crew of 50/50 could Stimulate the effort ! I watch the entertaiment from the NYecker on here like above , the main thing is to show up and shoot some where ! I don`t think I have ever met either of you ,but I have met Kieth from Maine and he pushes pretty hard ! Try the Triple Crown this year , it`s the biggest thing in Rimfire and mixes all of us together for 22RFBR ! Maybe some ECK guys would show and support Paul ,he ain`t got a sniff from 50/50 NY guys and he takes up for them some times ! Think 22RFBR! Show up & Shoot!

Almost Forgot ; Tim Longcore from way up near Lake Michigan won down here this past weekend , that is something that makes us feel good !

You have done more than any other person in America to promote Rimfire Benchrest and you deserve to be praised for it. While I like to shoot the little ole Sporter guns the best, I know the numbers of us who do is pretty small in comparison and fear that part of the Sport will not last much longer. If I had my way, It would be all I would shoot. I shot 6X HBR rifle for years almost exclusively so I guess the educated guess part of shooting is in my blood pretty deep.

I personally don't like shooting the ARA target. WI ran matches for one summer but somehow couldn't get my head into it only winning one match all summer. I hope IR 50/50 survives but it's looking bleak to me right now. Fortunately, I'm at the end of my shooting days so whatever happens, happens.

NYEcker to GApecker

This sport needs more big money like you. Good show.
I used a rim thickness gage on some Aquila ammo. This stuff still shot lousy groups. If you start with quality ammo, the gage becomes superfluous.