2009 Tomball Club Match Schedule and Class Rules.

jackie schmidt

New member
Our dates for the Tomball Gun Club "Club Matches" are as follows:

Feb 1st
June 7th
Aug 2d
Oct 4th

Factory......Mass produced repeating Rifles, (must have a magazine). This class also includes mass produced AR's and similiar Rifles, such as Contenders, lever actions, Falling Blocks, etc. The only modifications allowed are improvements in bedding and adjusting of the Factory Trigger. There are no limitations on sights, caliber, or ammunition. If there is a question as to the legality of a Rifle for Factory Class, the Match Director will make the determination.

Modified......Rifles built on mass produced actions but with modifications such as custom barrels, custom triggers, and custom stocks.This includes AR's and similiar Rifles that are built in specialty shops with what is considered custom barrels and other components. The forearm of the stock cannot exceed 2.5 inches in width, and any stock that is deemed a "Benchrest" Stock will not be allowed in Modified Class. There are no limitations on sights, caliber, or ammunition.
Clarification :The term "mass produced actions" will include custom actions if that action has a magazine cutaway. Mass produced Factory Actions that do not have a magazine cutaway, such as the Remington 40x and Savage BR are legal for modified class.

Benchrest.......Any legal firearm can be used in Benchrest Class.

The Format:
100 yards for score, consisting of five 5-shot Matches. Each 5-shot Match will have a 7 minute time limit. The target is the standard NBRSA Score Target. A perfect score will be a 250-25x. However, the X is used only as a tie breaker.Example: A 250-0x beats a 249 24x.

Ribbons will be awarded for the top three places in each class.The shooter with the highest combined score for the best 3 out of 4 Matches will be declared "Shooter of the Year". The 2008 Shooter of the Year was Victor Smith.

These Matches are open to the public, and I encourage all to come out and participate. This is a good way for shooters to "experience" Benchrest without all of the rig-a-mo-row that is involved in Registered Match Competition. The entry fee is $15. Matches will start promptly at 9:am. The Range Gates will be open at 6:am.

Any questions, call Jackie Schmidt, Tomball Gun Club Match Director, at (832 689-4157...........jackie
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I bumped this to the top to make sure those who are out of town for the holiday will see it.

I certainly hope there is SOME interest...........jackie
My son is 16 and has been doing some very good shooting with my 6BR. By Feb., he will be sporting a new "Benchrest-Legal" 6PPC......is he allowed being only 16 ?


You Bet

Last Year, Howard Payne had his 10 year old Grand Son shooting.

There is plenty of supervision to insure that safety is adhered to at all times, He will do just fine. It will be a great experience.
We will see you there........jackie

We just shoot a 100 yard agg, with a warm up to insure everyone is comfortable with their sight in. We are through shooting at noon.

I know it is a long way to drive for a 100 yard Match, but the Competition is pretty tough.

This being a club match, I would not expect that many out of towners, but we do get a few from over in Austin, Tyler, and the Beaumont Area........jackie
Club Match Menu

I just spoke with Johnny Jones and forgot to ask to ask him if they were going to have any food this year at the club matches.

I'll call and get back soon....bump :)
I may be in a bit of a bind making the first match of the season. I'm putting this 6PPC project together for my son. I'll have the Krieger in a few days. I'll hopefully have the Stiller Cobra by next weekend. Baby Tracker, no prob. Scope, no prob. My prob is looking like getting the barrel threaded, chambered (I will have the reamer), shortened, crowned. Dang it, and I live 4 miles from Tomball...........................

What's a feller to do.....??????


If all you need is someone to chamber and fit the barrel, give me a call.

I do barrels for my buddies at Tomball, I really hate to see you delayed simply because of a time issue in getting the work done...........jackie
Free food!!!!!

Just got off the phone with Johnny Jones and he has infomed me that there will be "free food" at the first club match Feb 7.The groceries will be provided by none other than Howard and Trevor Payne and Johnny Jones.

There will be coffee and donuts served for breckfast and maybe links. :D

After the match hambergers and red beans and rice will be on the menu.:D

So make your plans now to attend the match and bring a friend.

Hope to see you there.......Vic
jackie ...

Would your club directors consider a Super Modified class for those of us who have actions that can't compete with the true capital "B" Benchrest actions (as you recall I have a Savage) and have a Quarter-of-an-Inch too much wood on each side of our forearms ??? I sure would like to shoot at your shindig (I certainly enjoyed the last two) but right now I appear to be in No-Man's-Land. I'm sure there must be others who would love to come, but find themselves in the same boat.:(

When Johnny Jones and the Payne crew serve food, you eat good! I figure the benchrest knowledge gained and the food is worth the price of admission. The shooting is almost free. Now, that is a deal.


For this year, the classes are set.

The general consensus was to allow only 2 inch wide stocks, but there are a multitude of live varmint stocks that are at 2.5 inches, so we put the limit for all Rifles except Benchrest Class at that.........jackie

I was coming back from Bridge City Texas today after looking at a job, and stopped off in Winnie to eat lunch with Bob Estes and Nick Marino.

Nick has a new 30 caliber based on the Grendel Case, and it seems to have a bad case of "throw shot itis". He hopes to have the bugs worked out by the first match. He can always fall back on that puny ole 6PPC, (which, as we recall, kicked butt last year).

Bob will probably shoot HBR. I think he said that he would have to look into the barrel of his old HBR Rifle to see if there is any Rifling left.

No matter what, both will be there.

Incidentally, Gene Bukys, World Benchrest Team Member, has a new out of the box 308 Savage that he is going to shoot in Factory Class. That should be worth the price of admission.........jackie
30 caliber based on the Grendel case..Jackie, I just bought some bullets from a guy in TN. He stated that he also had a 30 Major (based on the Grendel case) and was dissappointed with accuracy...he had been trying multiple solutions with NO good results..He stated that he was going to rechamber to the 30BR to get rid of his Grendel "Grimlins"...:D
I think the 30 on a Grendel case has a long way to go to be a serious contender...

I remember Nick not being satisfied with his .30 grendal last year. He is a serious competitor no matter what he shoots. I have enjoyed loading and sharing benches with him. If you see him again before the match, tell him I said hi.
