2 Inch Barrier Broken. Matt Kline Sets New HG World Record in PA.

Al, I'm look'n ta help out my eyesight here, not croak from eat'n dirt. I always heard eatn carrots would help yer night vision. Well, I've been in the dark on this wind read'n stuff long enough and I need all the help I can get.

I ordered up a couple-a stuffed-gun-dolls too so I can start pokin some pins in em. I'm open minded ya see.
This sort of info (and growing up with a 5 acre garden) has kept me from eating vegetables for 30yrs :)


Al, you better get some dietary fiber. If not, that first colonoscopy may give you more than one unpleasant surprise. (Seems an appropriate post the way this thread has turned. We should get back to congratulating Matt.)
Charles I appreciate your advice :) really.

Phil, I know :D :D but I think the legend includes the skin and raw fer shure......

A ten second car is in the tens, might be 10.999 seconds. The next "barrier" would be 10.000. It takes a nine second car to break out of the tens and past the ten second "barrier". Of course, none of this arcane discussion diminishes Matt's great new record which breaks the 3" "barrier" and is firmly in the twos.

Greg, you,ve hit the nail squarely on the head. To extend your corollary, it would take a 1" gun to break the 2" barrier. Also support your last sentence 110%.
The first guy who ran a sub 4 min mile broke the 4 min barrier. That was big news...it was also a million years ago!! Maybe there has been some alterations to the the english language since then. :confused:

Dang. And I thought you converted to the dark side. Oh my, what am I to do. On the Long Range forum, they don't believe in precision loading, and on the 1k Br forums -- all these new records must mean the wind does not blow at 1000. :)

Have a great weekend and keep building and shooting those great guns. BTW, with Pa being a ture 1000 yd club now and not a 1025 (?), I also believe someone is going to break 2" within two years. Matt has everyone fired up and they are going to be building the best ammo they can and running them quick. Actually, it is a very exciting time again in 1000 yd BR which I think has been in the shadow of 600 BR for a few years.

Favor center,
Jim Hardy
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Phil all you need is a couple of bottles of group tightener. Just ask Frank. Matt

The other Matt and I were just talking about drinking a few bottles of "Group Tightener". Wanna join? Actually, Frank may be here drink'n a few too.
You boys up north have it all wrong -- it is called "aiming fluid" down here is Dixie -- you need to get this correct!

Jim Hardy
'round here we call it aiming oil.
And don't forget "you can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning". :D

I don't need to spend the winter building any new guns, I'm gonna learn to shoot the ones I have. And when I do Matt, yer in trouble mister! :D I'm gonna stick some Visine in my eyes 3 times a day and get em so I can see those 1" movements, and well, it's just gonna be lights out then! Anyone for a group in the 0's?

Get Frank to buy some more wind flags would ya please...

I'm gonna go cook some carrots now.

Phil. yesterday at the shoot this little Bluyjay flew up and told me there were 4 new barrel blanks at Bower Wire being worked on, I guess you wouldn't have to work all winter building new guns if you build them in the fall. Matt
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