2 Inch Barrier Broken. Matt Kline Sets New HG World Record in PA.

CONGRATULATIONS MATT. Please try and take that group a little smaller the next time... Will ya... Another fine Barrel job by GUNSMITH MARK KING. WELL DESERVED...
Good shootin Matt.....tell us more about your rifle/load/etc.----under 3" and 100 score ...I bet it is a pretty target.....Congrats again...Roger
I know you have put in your time behind the trigger in this game. Congrat's on being the first ever in the 2" club for 1000yd BR HG competition. Next time I see you at the range I'll come shake your hand.


Congratulations!!! I knew my record would not last 13 years like the previous HG World Record. Phil Bower told me last year that more 1K records would fall due to PA moving the pits/targets closer to make them 1000 yards and he was correct as Phil often is. You have worked harder than most to acheive this and I am happy for you. As icing on the cake you had the 100 to go with it. A average score of 99 for 6 match agg? WOW, now that's keepin em in the center.

Joel Pendergraft
First i would like to thank everybody for the kind responses. 300 WSM. 30" Broughton 10 twist, BAT action, H4350 powder. Federal primer, 210 Berger VLD, Norma brass turned to 13.5 thous., .338 neck. Smithed by Mark KIng Rifles, Every bullet was within 1 thous. on bearing and within 1 hundredth of a grain. Primers were within 1 hundredth of a grain. Brass was fired 10 times and annealed every time. Bullets were checked with JB comparitor sold by Mark King, Barrel was cleaned with Iosso, Niteforce 8 x 32 Br scope. Thanks Matt Kline
wow...i have been elk hunting for the last 23 days, with no communications. great job matt, those aggs are freekin impressive, and the 2 incher not too shabby. congrats from all of us over here in mt!
Shouldn't the headlind read "3 inch barrier broken" ?

No biggie...I am still working on the 4" barrier!!!:mad: :eek:

Nope, that group is definitely "in the two's."

It's like racing, "breaking 10 seconds" with your streetracer means you're "in the tens" you might be 10.99 seconds but it's "a 10.xxx" not "an 11.000."

Nope, that group is definitely "in the two's."

It's like racing, "breaking 10 seconds" with your streetracer means you're "in the tens" you might be 10.99 seconds but it's "a 10.xxx" not "an 11.000."


In a quantative description where smaller is better, as in group shooting, or track events where time is measured, breaking a barrier means a number smaller than the barrier. In that sense, breaking the 2" barrier implies anything under 2".

However, if that is the colloquial term, then so be it.
A ten second car is in the tens, might be 10.999 seconds. The next "barrier" would be 10.000. It takes a nine second car to break out of the tens and past the ten second "barrier". Of course, none of this arcane discussion diminishes Matt's great new record which breaks the 3" "barrier" and is firmly in the twos.
Ok, I give up. I attempted to edit the first post and change the title to TWO's barrier broken but it did not work. It'll only change the title of my post, not that of the thread.

Pretty universally in shooting (at least where I've shot), a group in the X's is called an X. A TWO AGG in short range br means an agg from 2.000 through 2.9999. When we talk about 4" guns, we refer to guns that will shoot a group that begins with a 4 and a point. A 3" gun is one that shoots groups that are in the 3's. A 10" gun is one that should be sold or re-barreled. :D

If these things bothered me more than they do, I'd just delete the post and everyone elses with it. Perhaps a moderator would step in and alter the wording on the post so everyone is happy. I have posted appropriate (or at least, less controversial) wording but it does not show on the main page.

Hey, I tried.

In any case, it's still pretty good shooting, even if he does always get the lucky benches, and lucky relays.

Week, after week, after week...
"The harder I work, the luckier I get" used by Gary Player, internationally famous golfer and Matt Kline a fairly well known shooter.
Perhaps a moderator would step in and alter the wording on the post so everyone is happy.
Shirley you jest. Everybody on the long-range forum happy? When pigs fly.

Phil, you over estimate the control Wilbur gives moderators. Or may it's just the training. In any case, I can't change a title either. If it bothers anyone too much, call Wilbur.

Just tell Matt the vacations over, get busy, and shoot a 1.999 or so. It's his duty to save your reputation, right?
You make several good points Charles.

Yes, actually, I do think that a group in the 1's is easy enough that he should get busy
on that. And the fact is, if he was any good at reading wind, his group would have been centered up, and smaller. Looking at the plot, that baby is actually 2 groups. What I don't understand is, why wasn't he watching the flags and catch that switch! :D Had that been me, I'd just stop at shot 5 and wait for that condition to come back!

All that equipment with THAT shooter! Lol
Phil, Thats why you got all winter to build a gun and show me how. Matt Kline
swc123 You must be new to the sport. But just in case your not , you'll never break into the two inch barrier. Try the 100 & 200 yard forum.
Joe Salt
I don't need to spend the winter building any new guns, I'm gonna learn to shoot the ones I have. And when I do Matt, yer in trouble mister! :D I'm gonna stick some Visine in my eyes 3 times a day and get em so I can see those 1" movements, and well, it's just gonna be lights out then! Anyone for a group in the 0's?

Get Frank to buy some more wind flags would ya please...

I'm gonna go cook some carrots now.
my Ma always said cooking the carrots took all the Good Stuff out. I'm not even sure about washing the dirt off (I THINK y'er s'posed to just brush it off with a scrubby) but you definitely need to crunch it skin and all, no cooking!

This sort of info (and growing up with a 5 acre garden) has kept me from eating vegetables for 30yrs :)
