
Pete Wass

Well-known member
I wish all my fellow veterans a wonderful Veterans Day tomorrow. Thanks you all for your service and Welcome Home.

Pete Wass
Thanks, Pete. Hard to believe I was in Viet Nam 40 yrs ago today. V/R Greg
What was the question, again?????

Same good wishes to all of you old vets and for you vets just starting out as vets too.:)
Bet even the old farts remember their service number, I do.
Thanks Pete

Same to you and Happy Birthday (yesterday) To all my fellow Marines.

God Bless to all Veterans. A day of reflection for all, MUCH has been given for freedom and liberty!

Thanks, Pete

That was long ago, in a Galaxy faraway.

A local news cast was asking what Veterans would be doing on this day. I got up and went to work, just like any other day.:rolleyes:

The Restaurant Chain Appleby's is giving free meals to Verterans. I think I might go get my Grand Daughters and take them up on it. I hope I don't have to produce a DD-214.

Kansasvet, you are right about never forgetting that number. And I am proud to say that mine began with "US". For all of you young guys, that means "draftee". You didn't go in because you wanted to, you went in because you HAD to........jackie