100 -200 IBS score National at Orangeburg, SC

Ya know

Its just as far to Georgia from Maine than it is from Maine to Georgia, did you know that Jim? It's just that the predominance of shooters has grown in the Southern states. It wasn't that many years ago IBS Score shoots were small and few in the South. When I started shooting Score in 1999. Pa and Md were the center of it all and when the Pa. ranges died off the balance shifted. The death of Mainville was the beginning, as I recall.

The problem with all BR is so many ranges depend on one person to keep things running and many of the clubs that hold BR matches have few club members participating. The Nationals I ran had shooters from way out west attending. I think Washington State was the longest distance so mebby it's a Southern thing, not wanting to come to Maine but it wasn't a problem for Mr Washington State and I think he kicked butt as well.

IBS 100-200 Meter Nationals preregistration

If you haven't already preregistered for the 100-200 Meter Nationals in Orangeburg SC, please do so soon. We have 120+ shooters that asked me to hold them a spot. Please reach out to me or go on the IBS website and print and mail a preregistration for ASAP. Looking forward to a great weekend with some of the best score shooters in the Nation!
I just read through this thread again

What's the difference where u live in this state since there is only one genepool in Maine. No wonder the people in Mass kicked out all the riff raff back in the 1800's and gave them their own state. When I first moved up here in 2005, I met my neighbor who is originally from CT who owns the muzzleloading shop at the bottom of my hill and one of the 1st things he said was Jim Bob these Mainers hate us flatlanders because we know all their dirty little secrets. Boy was he right. Some of the things that people do up here to animals is not to be believed. Greg I can't help it if people don't want to travel up here to shoot, especially since there are so many other shoots closer to where they live. When the Nationals were up here a lot of people I asked said they didn't want to come up here because it was too far. I mean it takes me 10 hours just to drive to Sid's shop from my house. I definitely should have moved south instead of north. Momentary lapse of reason or I'm just a plain idiot.

and it occurred to me that his may be a great time for you to bail out of Maine Jim. The Real Estate Market is hot right now and you may have the best opportunity to get out from under Maine, which you seem to detest so much, now. Don't you and your neighbor ever think Mainers have any higher opinion of you then you do of them. Youall left where you were because you were running away from something and not long after youall arrived you wanted things to be the same as they were where you came from. You certainly do not gain any ground by saying these sort of slanderous remarks on a National Forum, none of which are true. It only makes you look bad because anyone with any intelligence knows better. You owe the State of Maine and it's people an apology.
