.009 world record ?

Excuse me, but aren't there cnc (mechanical) systems that routinely machine to very close tolerances (.001" or better)? I think there are some machines (mechanical devices) that work to even MUCH smaller tolerances - I guess you know about that.

We put a man on the moon - I think we can do this too.

Another thought (while I'm at it) - ya know, paper targets are great for SCORE shooting, but are not really ideal for GROUP (especially very small which we're talking about) shooting (and measurement).

But this doesn't seem to be the place to even SUGGEST a new idea and get any kind of interest - especially if you're not part of the benchrest "clique". Guess I should move to Europe. :cool:

I think the biggest problem is that most CNC machines don’t sit outside in a rain storm, lightning strikes, ect.
A moving backer is simple, cheep and has a good chance of working in the rain and snow, but in the end the simple requirement of a moving backer and the effort involved to move it around has almost totally eliminated group competition in this country. I’m not sure what the answer is, but if it requires effort and has a cost, and isn’t 100% reliable for years at a time it probably wont be used. I went to a (club rimfire) score match last weekend and there sure wasnt any thing easy about scoring the targets when compared to group measuring, most targets were re-scored several times with lots of errors found before everyone was happy, so the problem (total non-existance of group shoots at club level) must be with the backer requirement and the cost of a group measuring device over a simple scoring plug.
I do wish you luck because I prefer group but score is about the only game within 300 miles these days.

I think as far as measuring goes, using a calibrated flat-bed 1000+ dpi scanner would work about as good as anything at a match. Just measure the very enlarged group on the flat computer screen, and you could still use the traditional device as a backup.

As far as counting the bullets in that hole, maybe someday someone will invent target paper that changes color depending on the number of hits. But people will probably have forgotten that group shooting ever existed by the time it is.
Come up with a good system that works and is affordable. People will look at it then.

Thanks Butch - that's been my goal from the start - I AM a perfectionist (to one degree or another) which I assume most benchresters are.

I'm thinking of a system that would be modular (one unit behind each target), rugged (lots of military grade surplus is on the market), reasonable in cost, weather resistant (in design & construction), easily portable/easy to setup/takedown/transport/maintain and, of course, reliable, and verifiably accurate to .001".

I just think it would be nice when you shoot a real "screamer", maybe even setting a new record, that you will know the exact size of the group. :)

Follow up posts are not needed here (I'd rather get some PMs of offered help with the project) - I pretty much get the drift of opinions here from those so far and I say thanks to all who have participated.

By the way, speaking of cnc, there is a site for DIY cnc called CNCzone.com - lots of low cost tips and sources for surplus cnc stuff.
I was referring to mankind in general, of course, as most here, except you apparently understand.

For the record here, I probably will not be pursuing this idea due to the discouraging commentary and responses to my suggestion as well as the lack (so far) of anyone willing to assist in the design process. I say this just so certain posters here won't be able to make derogatory comments sarcastically asking me where the "improved backer system/target measurement system" I posted about is.

By the way, I'd think those here given the job of being a "Moderator" would try to be rather neutral in their forum participation - in other words "moderation".

Wilbur - you can lock this thread anytime you wish - nothing more to be said here I think.

P.S. One final word here - I just looked at the original post in this thread and tragically, I don't think Snuffy Smith's original question has been DEFINITIVELY answered! How will anyone officially beat the .009" record? Ron Hoehn seemed to give the best response to this but is it correct by the association regs (no slight to Mr. Hoehn intended)?
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