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  1. rpollock

    Dan Opel

    It is with profound sadness I am letting everyone know that Dan Opel passed away yesterday. Dan was a friend to shooters far and wide. He was a mentor to many and one of the guys you could always count on to be at a match and support anyone who needed help in this game. Dan was the President of...
  2. rpollock

    Go Fund Me page to help with cost of a Benchrest Promotional video

    Mike, I know Sheldon as well and can support this go fund me request. Here is what I wrote on our forum: Shooters, We all know BR is perhaps one of the greatest shooting sports ever created, and that everyone thinks they know about, but few understand the game outside of the current...
  3. rpollock

    World Benchrest match 2019 web page

    Note to everyone, the photos, and results at this site: will come down at the end of September. Feel free to download and save anything from the site you want to preserve. Thanks. Rick
  4. rpollock

    World Benchrest match 2019 web page

    Here is the equipment list. Walt was shooting Tony Boyers rifle and using Tony's equipment, so that is why there are no Berger bullets listed for Walt.
  5. rpollock

    World Benchrest match 2019 web page

    Full results are here:
  6. rpollock

    World Benchrest match 2019 web page

    Local news
  7. rpollock

    World Benchrest match 2019 web page

    July 18th results are up:
  8. rpollock

    World Benchrest match 2019 web page

    There is a welcome guide that lists the teams on this page:
  9. rpollock

    World Benchrest match 2019 web page

    We have created a central location for pictures and results at WBC XV. Follow this link and click on the July 14 date to see photos of the loading tent going up today, and the general layout of the range.
  10. rpollock

    World Benchrest match 2019 web page

    Note to competitors, the deadline for teams to register, and send their entry fees has passed. Any last minute additions need to be in contact with me as soon as possible as the plans are being finalized for venues, support crews etc.
  11. rpollock

    World Benchrest match 2019 web page

    Latest update on WBC#15 - Calgary Visiting Competitors and Delegates, The Organizing Committee wants to send a reminder that competitor documents can be found here if you haven’t seen them already. We will add to the downloadable...
  12. rpollock

    WBSF > email > President

    Check your PM. Rick
  13. rpollock

    IBS Group Nats Day 1 - Don Powell wins HB100, Jeff Peinhardt 2nd, Dave Bruno 3rd

    Day 3 at same link:
  14. rpollock

    IBS Group Nats Day 1 - Don Powell wins HB100, Jeff Peinhardt 2nd, Dave Bruno 3rd

    Unl 100, Sporter 100 and LV 100 here: Nothing from day 3 yet. Rick
  15. rpollock

    In your opinion whats killing the group game

    Call or email anytime Jackie, I am sympathetic. I agree with the multi discipline challenge and choices competitors have as stated above. Our club was in much the same position as Tomball. We only have about 400 members. Participation was down to 5-6 shooters at our shoots. Seeing that we were...
  16. rpollock

    In your opinion whats killing the group game

    Relax? Why? So we can all sit around and talk about the old days, and whine about the sport dying, and how we all have more important things to do? Give me a break. It is attitudes like this that will kill the sport in short order. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy to go on the internet and...
  17. rpollock

    In your opinion whats killing the group game

    Gee Wiz John, must be nice not go to shoots, reminisce about how great the old days were, tell everyone running matches today they should be doing it according to your wishes, and then likely still not go to their shoot! All it takes to grow this sport is for people to get off their butt and...
  18. rpollock

    In your opinion whats killing the group game

    Group is growing here! Lots of good points above. I would argue in our area, group shooting was in danger of dying a few years ago, but we have since doubled or tripled participation in our area and have a very strong contingent of shooters in Western Canada. Our home club around here is the...
  19. rpollock

    World Benchrest match 2019 web page

    Tony is traveling, so wanted to get this posted up here now. It will post on the Rosebud page when Tony gets back from holidays. The Organizing Committee has approved the following documents related to accommodation at the World Championships. Please follow the hotlinks to download the relevant...