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    Bill Gammon Passes Away

    Sad news RIP Bill It was was a pleasure to have known you!
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    Tony Boyer Status?

    Wishing Tony all the very best for a speedy recovery
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    Walt Berger Passes

    It's with great sadness that I learn that Walt has passed away. RIP Walt
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    Does any body have any load suggestions for 6xc using vit N160 powder with 105 gr bullets, thanks in anticipation phil
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    Worlds Results Australia

    Manny As I Believe Manny and Christina both have the right to be there as they are shooting under there nationality of the philippines
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    hiya ian, i trust you and helen got home safely, have done much shooting since you got back...

    hiya ian, i trust you and helen got home safely, have done much shooting since you got back home. what rugby if any have you seen, was it a live game or did you see it onyour tv phil
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    Farley rests

    What is the current e-mail address for Farley rests phil
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    Ed watson

    As i remeber when i first started shootig in america, Eddie Watson was producing bullets at 62,65, and 68 grain bullets in 6mm cal. Does anybody remember what jackets he used for for the repective wieghts phil
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    mickey coleman

    Hi mickey, when is the rachels glen shoot in the fall? phil
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    Newlon Precision

    newlon dies How tight is the tolerence on the threads to .875 on the newlon dies phil
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    When will the last USA team selection match be shot? phil
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    It’s Official! New World Record Set!

    congratulations jeff
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    Kiwi Kevin Duckworth retires from shooting

    Happy Retirement Hi Kevin, Im sorry to here about your decision, to retire for competition shooting. May i wish you alll the best!! Phil
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    hood presses

    Would anybody have a drawing for the Hood Die Adjustment tool, or could give me the demension of the pointer. I have been in communication with both Charlie Hood and Scotty Crawford, and they both suggest, contacting each other as they each do not have any. Looking forward to hearing from...
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    Smiley Hensley

    thank you scotty
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    Smiley Hensley

    Does any body have a contact phone number for smiley hensley thanks in anticipation phil
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    It was an really old oelher
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    Hi all, Im looking to replace my tired and worn out chronograph! The best advertisement is by recomendation, so could you please give me a few suggestions which may be a good purchase or not to be purchased, and the reasons why. Many thanks Phil