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    Follow the BIG World Event

    Does anyone know why Does anyone know why the Millers did not participate? I can't imagine them not participating in the match after making the trip to Slovenia. Jim in Sacramento
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    Sacramento Valley Airgun Benchrest Match - Sunday April 19th, Ione, CA

    You are invited! Sacramento Valley Airgun Benchrest Match - Sunday April 19th, Ione, CA Location: Sacramento Valley Shooting Center Directions - Match will be held outdoors at Range 11 (take a right at the T by the office, follow road to Range 11)...
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    Oregon Regional Competition October 5, 2014

    Great Shooting! Some great shooting by all participants. I see Ron and Steve are still on their game and it's good to see Gary has started to figure this Air Gun stuff out. Great Match, Jim in Sacramento
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    Possible Attendance at Next Nationals

    Rules Wilbur I think you and I are saying the same thing. I don't want any more rules, I just want the ones we have equitably enforced. My point was that in a national championship the governing body of the sport and its representatives should have the final say in all matters relating to the...
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    Possible Attendance at Next Nationals

    Thoughts on 2015 Nationals Here are some of my thoughts on the 2015 National Championship. We need to have one! We need to make every effort to insure that the best Airgun Benchrest shooters in the US participate, period. Attracting lots of new shooters is a nice idea, luring them in with...
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    SoCal Western Regional Results

    Thanks Joe! What an incredible match. Challenging conditions, fierce competitors, wonderful facility, comfortable temperatures, great sportsmanship, the food :D, a well run match and of course our gracious host Joe. It is really hard to think of a thing you would want different about the match...
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    2014 USARB Nationals, The Aftermath

    I had a slightly different perspective as a competitor. First let me say that the actual conduct of the match was outstanding. As stated elsewhere every relay went off on time and the ran without a hitch. My hats off to the crew for a job well done. The range was excellent and the target boxes...
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    75 yard rifle

    2013 Results Of the top six scores shot in the 2013 Extreme Benchrest Competition there were 4 FX Bosses and 2 FX Bobcats, all I believe were .30 Caliber. If I was looking to be competitive I think I would start there. Jim in Sacramento
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    Stranger things going on at the Nationals! ... A good time, and some great results!

    Actually Dave I believe the European Championships were limited to European residents. I think the World Bench Rest organization held their own match at the same time allowing for world wide participation. Hopefully Todd will comment on this. I would agree with your assessment if the...
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    Home brewed rifle at the Nationals in Phoenix

    Pleasure shooting with you Tom For the Friday morning practice Tom was sitting on the bench next to me. I noticed he didn't have any flags. We struck up a conversation and Tom told me a little about the rifle he was shooting. I'm thinking a Disco with no wind flags, good luck. I tell Tom, I...
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    Congratulations Vipha Miller

    The Millers are the hardest working competitors I know What an incredible performance by Vipha. She has worked very hard to improve here game and the all that work paid off. I have watched her scores climb over the last couple of years and I consider her one of the top shooters in the country...
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    Any news about the SoCal Regional?

    As best I can remember which is dangerous fo me First a big thank you to Joe and his excellent crew for their graciousness, generosity and hard work in putting on an incredible match. Shooting at Joe's Open Grove's Regional Match is an experience that every benchrest shooter should be lucky...
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    Sacramento Airgun Benchrest Results - Aug 25, 2013

    Ione is a tough place to shoot Hi Todd, Ione is a tough place to shoot. I have never shot there without some challenging winds blowing. But I do think it teaches us a lot about shooting in the wind which benefits us when we travel to other matches, ala Matt at the Worlds. Russ does have that...
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    Sacramento Airgun Benchrest Results - Aug 25, 2013

    We had another great airgun benchrest match this Sunday August 25th at the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center. When I arrived early in the morning I had great hopes for a day of favorable conditions. The flags were limp and the air humid. very little was moving. I had hopes for some scores in the...
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    ERABSF Euros & WRABF World Cup

    Has anyone found a posting of the final results for the Airgun Competition?? It has been two weeks since the Airgun Competition was completed, has anyone found any official results posted? All we have are a couple of barely legible smart phone photos from competitors. I know they have internet...
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    ERABSF Euros & WRABF World Cup

    LV Top Scores Unofficial I'm sure, but is looks like Craig Young may have finished 3rd overall in the Combined LV & HV Ag. Great Shooting Team USA, when every shot counts we know who to turn to. Jim in Sacramento
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    Sacramento Airgun Benchrest Results - June 23, 2013

    We had our 3rd Airgun Benchrest Match of 2013 and the Ione Triangle reared its ugly head once again. Every time I schedule a match I hope for conditions that are more favorable than the previous match. So far this year I have had the exact opposite occur. This Sunday was the worst, with moderate...
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    Sacramento Airgun Benchrest Match Results - MArch 30, 2013

    Hi Dan, That must have been your first match, as I can't remember the last time you shot less than 240 on a card :D Matt had a great day considering he had just arrived a day earlier from a trip to the middle east. Jim in Sacramento
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    Sacramento Airgun Benchrest Match Results - MArch 30, 2013

    First of all thanks to all the shooters who attended the match and helped with the setup and take down. We were able to avoid the rains that were predicted, but unfortunately we had to deal with the moderate, switching winds that the Ione range is noted for. The wind drove me crazy, but a few of...
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    Western States Regional Match - Saturday April 20th Ione, CA - CHANGE OF DATES!!!!

    Due to non-existant pre-registration as of April 1st, I have changed this to a one day match, with all classes shooting on Saturday April 20th everything else about the match is unchanged. I have updated the PDF document for this change Total Match Fees including Lunch and Raffle ticket are...