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  1. R

    Benchrest Shooting Documentary

    Well, dang. I was thinking the video WAS the documentary, so I am disappointed...but I'd love to see it done. I don't participate in the sport due to my sense of economic self preservation, but I love to hang out during a match. Or even when guys are just fireforming, practicing, testing...
  2. R

    Global Warming ?

    It's a trainload of manure. All this crap is designed with one purpose in mind: to scare people into submitting to totalitarianism. Well, hey---it's "documented" that such and such is so, and it's "documented" that this and something else is so. NONSENSE. Science has been subverted by...
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    What is this???

    I think Al is right. I shoot and reload for sporters, and I partial full-length size my brass. What I have found is that if I run a fired case into the sizing die and stop when the shell holder is shy of touching the die by about half the thickness of a dime, and then chamber the case, it will...
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    Bore cleaning, rimfire vs. CF

    It is a fact that the bullet lube the manufacturers put on lead rimfire bullets has a lot of influence on accuracy. As the old saw goes, rifles are individuals and have their preferences. One of my sporter-weight rimfire rifles showed a marked preference for Wolf Match Target ammo and usually...
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    an open message on the real cost of the national debt....

    I agree with that for the most part, Mike. I hold fast to the notion that the key to to all this is strictly imposing the 10th Amendment. Take away all that power, and the money disappears. Take away the money, and the rats disappear. It's not that complicated...but courage is an essential...
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    an open message on the real cost of the national debt....

    We have nothing but a SPENDING PROBLEM. To begin addressing it: 1. Abolish the Department of Energy and let the industry generate jobs and commerce while stopping the flow of US dollars into the Middle east. 2. Abolish the Department of Education and let the States and localities run that...
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    New Texas Rain Gauge

    The sun is producing massive solar flares right now and has been doing so for several months. A top NASA scientist has recently revealed that satellite data shows that the earth radiates far more heat back out into space than is allowed for in the models that are being used to predict global...
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    New Texas Rain Gauge

    So you're the one who bought the bridge, huh? No surprise really, seein' as how you believe in global warming.
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    New Texas Rain Gauge

    Too danged big, it'll never work!
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    Tiptoeing through the tulips

    Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit.
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    Has Anyone Tried this Powder Measure...

    I have bought the thing. I spoke to Tim Johnson, the man who invented and sells these. He was kind enough to take the time to answer all my questions and told me that his "no BS" guarantee is that if the measure does not perform up to MY expectations, I can send it back for a refund. He related...
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    Has Anyone Tried this Powder Measure...

    Thanks for posting that, Joe. Very informative.
  13. R

    Has Anyone Tried this Powder Measure...

    I have been wanting to buy a measure that will dispense extruded powders like H4831 and Retumbo with real consistency. I have been looking at the Quick Measure for a while: The fellow who makes and sells these says if I am not happy with it I can return it, and...
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    winchester 670 questions

    I believe it's Fred Zeglin's outfit, Willie. I rented a D-n-T jig from them once...they screwed up and sent me the wrong thing, but they were real nice about it and made it right without any hassle at all. They're good folks.
  15. R

    winchester 670 questions

    Try here: