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  1. C

    Okay, TUNERS AGAIN. Bukys/Schmidt style versus Beggs???????????????

    Here is a more readable version of the chart (I hope)...
  2. C

    Okay, TUNERS AGAIN. Bukys/Schmidt style versus Beggs???????????????

    This is mostly cut-and-paste from an email to Calvin... figured I could share it with the rest of you too. Calvin was asking about my decals and how I find a pet load. (It was a private email so don't take anything as a slight against any individuals. I have learned a bunch from the folks on...
  3. C

    Okay, TUNERS AGAIN. Bukys/Schmidt style versus Beggs???????????????

    I have shot 1000+ registered match targets, burned up 5 barrels, and even taken a few trophies in my work with my Beggs tuner. I devised a way to track and analyze the loads, groups, and tuner performance and I can say definitively that *with a good barrel* I can make predictable, repeatable...
  4. C

    recommendations for varget powder for 30-06

    According to my software, 49g of Varget is 88.5% capacity and max pressure of 47000psi (about 20% below MAX pressure) -- probably a safe place to start, muzzle velocity expected to come at 2644. 53.5 gr is the **calculated** max... approach that number carefully. 96.7% capacity, 2853 fps. All...
  5. C

    A question on seating depth for varmint rifles.

    For my BR gun, this is my measuring technique... resize a case and seat a bullet very long (no primer, no powder!) , just deep enough to make it stay standing in the case. Load it into the gun and close the bolt, letting the bolt seat the bullet against the rifling, work the bolt once for good...
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    Laser for setting flags

    I built one (green laser mounted with an old scope for aiming) and it worked pretty well -- so well I bought enough stuff to build six more to sell. The parts are in a box here somewhere. It was especially fun when I set my flags at night, otherwise a 5mw power laser only gets you about 50 yards...
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    2011 U.S. World Team Announced

    Congrats to all of you! And thanks to Wayne for managing the tally. Rod
  8. C

    2010 NBRSA Mid-Continent Schedule

    I believe that I have the final details in for the 2010 Mid-Continent Schedule. You can find it posted in the blog area under the Mid-Continent tab of the website. There is also a PDF calendar version for your refrigerator. This includes the new schedule for the 2010 Nationals where...
  9. C

    green laser

    I'm making (and selling) a delrin mount with a green laser and a rail for standard 1" or 30mm rings for a scope. All attached to a aluminum plate for a base. What I have found is that I can use the laser to set flags out to about 50 yards, then just line up on the flags beyond that. The beam...
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    9th Annual Praire Dog Shoot

    The Prairie Dog, more results We actually do shoot a prairie dog... on the 5th target at 300 yards Don puts up a paper dog with a .75" white dot. Only one shot allowed on the paper, closest to the center of the designated aiming point wins a gold coin! I think everyone "killed" their dog, but...
  11. C

    Newbie help

    Sage advice I know you have your shopping list already made out, but here are some serious recommendations. You cannot be competitve in the long run with any equipment compromises. Gun: If you are even considering competing in short range benchrest matches (100/200/300yd) forget the 13# 6BR...
  12. C

    Stolle Panda 6PPC for BR

    Action config Before you buy, verify that you are getting the action configuration you want (right bolt, left port) or (right bolt, right port) or (right bolt, left port, right eject) or whatever your favorite variation is. Probably the most common setup in competition today is the (right bolt...
  13. C

    30br/30ppc, tuners, at the Super Shoot.......

    Tuner user I was one of the eight using a tuner; Larry sitting next me used a tuner for a few targets as well, then took it off. To me, it is a knob that I can turn at the bags instead of the loading bench. I like that option and use it a lot when the ammo is already loaded, the clock is...
  14. C

    Name One

    Best... A mentor will get you through all the times when the groups just won't form. Rod Brown
  15. C

    Tuner weight??

    Actually, I believe just the opposite. A great way to ensure that you end up in the middle of the pack is to wait until your groups tell you it is time to make a change. For the average competitive rifle (not some howling hummer), that .3 will come unless you develop a tuning strategy (whether...
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    Seating Deapth Tuning

    Tune and tuning... I like to generalize my tuning as something akin to a 60's vintage Zenith television when there was a channel knob and a "fine-tuning" knob to bring the channel in clearer. For a particular barrel/chamber job/bullet combination, the powder charge is the channel knob -- it...
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    Tiger By The Tail

    Welcome to benchrest Kim, What you have experienced is what everyone who has done this for awhile comes to know... getting a gun to shoot its best groups is NOT a static event. Everything effects the group size: temp, humidity, powder charge, powder lot, bullet lot, primer lot, brass wear...
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    Another New Guy Wanting a 6PPC

    Welcome aboard! I hope to see you at the Grand Junction match coming up (in May I think). You have some great guys from the Utah area that will get you started on the right path. Rod Brown
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    Another new guy needs a hand

    Dave, Just because I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread.... If you haven't shot a BR rig much, probably the first thing to decide on is what style of action: Right bolt/Right Port, Right Bolt/Left Port, Right Bolt/Left Port/Right Eject -- etc. That will narrow your selection and...
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    Checking your FL die

    The official name around some folks at our club is "critter". The good reason to own your very own reamer is that one critter can be used with all your barrels. Rod