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  1. C

    Extending a barrels life, maybe?

    Since it is winter and there is more time to consider possibilities I have wondered what to do with old PPC barrels that have lost their usable life. I was wondering if anyone or a manufacturer might be reboring and cutting new lands in 6mm PPC barrels to make them into a larger caliber...
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    What is this???

    For what it is worth Forster Products lists the Go, no go, and field gages for this 7mm-08. You could contact them for a price. I'm sure Brownells offers something similar. Centerfire
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    I ask for chamber neck size advice.

    Reamers For your consideration Shilen lists 11 different reamers in stock to do 7mm barrels. Possibly other barrel manufactures offer similar services. Take a look and see if what is listed will work for you. Another possibility is 4-D Reamer Rentals which lists 25 different reamers to do 7mm...
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    It was a bad day and it hasnt got much better

    Thank you I am sorry to hear Octopus has left us. He helped me a few years ago and his information was very good. Sorry you lost a friend. Centerfire.
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    Newbie needs advice

    Just a suggestion Purchase Mike Ratigans book and it will take you through all of the items you will require and why. Go to Sinclair International and request a catalog. For the most part they have everything you will need and with pictures. Highlight items of interest like a rear sand bag...
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    Cocking piece rubbing on top inside of trigger side plate

    Just a thought Boyd, get your dial test indicator set up and pass it across the test surface you are going to use. Glass or granite. Make sure it is flat first. When you know this is flat put your part down and begin passing your indicator over the part making notes. You might even want to...
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    Do you hold the toggle when shooting

    Question When you set your Farley front rest for what poundage do you use? Or do you set it by feel? Tight so it won't move at all, or loose as to be able to adjust easily? Looking for a little input. Centerfire
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    Reloading Scales

    Yes I have had good service from the Dillon. Both in the basement and at the range. But you have lots of choices. Centerfire
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    Guns & Ammo editor fired ...

    +1 RogerT, BEQUETTE RESIGNS I have to whole heartly agree with Roger T that the Chief Editor Jim Bequette should be fired also as he approved the publishing. Well 'BING' is reporting that Jim B has resigned as he should. Now who will G&A get to replace them. I left G&a readership 3 mistakes...
  10. C

    Some neat benchrest history....

    Wow Very Nice. Centerfire
  11. C

    Extreme Velocity Spreads

    Remember the tolerances If you are using your chrono check the manufacturer and see what the acceptable tolerances are for your unit. You might be shooting 16fps avg with high and low information but the tolerances will help you determine the information you receive. Centerfire
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    Lead Mine and smelter closeing down

    Gerry some notes To find out information on St. Joe Lead company (Doe Run) in Herculaneum, Missouri Just put in St. Joe Lead and the entire history will be available to read from day one. Doe Run has been closing for years in Herculaneum. The secondary plant is in Boss, Missouri and this...
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    couple of questions for the seasoned benchrest reloaders

    Brownells Canuck, I would like to offer a suggestion to you regarding getting rid of the possible carbon in your chamber neck. I found a product at Brownells under Cleaning-- Cleaning Pellets-- by VFG. You will need the VFG adapter and will have to choose the correct pellet for your neck size...
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    Scope Power

    Well Just where do you wish to exactly place your shot in that square? The 36 power and greater allows you to quarter your bullet hole if that is required. I suppose I thought you were just wanting to shoot paper, if not I would stay under 15 power and under 200 yards to quickly access...
  15. C

    Scope Power

    Maybe I would suggest a Weaver T-36, 36 power scope. You can spend more but I think you will like this scope. Or a 45x Leupold. Centerfire
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    220 Russian to 6 PPC

    Shinney Why do you want to remove the donut? Centerfire
  17. C

    Buying Nosler 2nds be for warned

    Question Besides Nosler is there other manufactures that sell seconds/blemished bullets for less $'s ? Centerfire
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    What is the Magic Cloth?

    Lets try again It looks like it may be the # C925 Silver Fabric from 3M Centerfire
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    What is the Magic Cloth? Is this the one? Centerfire
  20. C

    Farley Rest Rocking

    Greases If the moly does not work out for you look into Look under greases. Centerfire