Search results

  1. S

    wanted to thank you for sharing your knowledge/experience

    Noted. I take off my watch and ring, and only wear short sleeved shirts that I tuck in. Safety glasses always. Healthy fear is a good thing.
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    wanted to thank you for sharing your knowledge/experience

    I cannot thank you guys enough for the information that you post here on a daily basis. I am not a machinist by any stretch and wanted to extend my passion for this sport a little deeper so I sought out ways of making that happen. I have been enjoying the heck out of my little south bend and...
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    Preferred reticles for competition

    Modesty. A fine quality in a man.;) I like the 1/8th min dot that leupold puts in their comp scopes. I found myself "aiming" too much with the fine crosshairs in my score gun. i can acquire my POA much more quickly with the dot and hold off accordingly. I believe much of this boils down to...
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    south bend 9" questions

    I am, but we are having the joint birthday party for the kids on that day. I looked up the website for the Berlin company and it seems like they have a good deal of equipment there. I will have to keep them in my thoughts for the moment, but rest assured that they will see me there at some...
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    south bend 9" questions

    not a bad idea, Ron. I am curious as to whether the fact that the ways out where I would be doing barrel work are OK will suffice for now and if I feel the need to "upgrade", as it were, I can always do so later. My lathe budget has become a bit tighter after my trip to the ER so I have to try...
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    south bend 9" questions

    Pete, I did see your post on the SB forum and wondered if mine would have suffered the same malady. I put an indicator on the quill and spun it out to full length and the needle did not move one bit. I then ran the apron back and forth with the stylus of the DI on the quill and noted no...
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    Junior Shooter Kevin Donalds Jr. shoots 250-25x

    That is fantastic shooting and I can only imagine how proud his father is of his son's accomplishment. Excellent! Mike
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    south bend 9" questions

    Tonight I took your advice though modified slightly and I wanted to see what you thought. I placed my live center in tailstock and another center in headstock. Took measurements of the od of both with a .0001" mic and subtracted the difference and cut that in half. Placed a di in my tool...
  9. S

    south bend 9" questions

    Thanks for the information, Rob. I will give the dial indicator tip a try. I realized that I would have a hard time getting my tail/headstock aligned when I started making cuts and was getting a significant taper. I moved my tailstock the appropriate amount to get an accurate cut and noted...
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    south bend 9" questions

    Gents, I have had the distinct pleasure of refurbishing a 1945 9" model A (48" bed) that I picked up for a song and have been gathering tooling to be able to do my own barrels. I have done a lot of reading and have come across many different ideas regarding setup of the lathe...
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    Blatant anti-advertisement . . .

    I'll be there when you are ready,Randy. I have new barrel set aside just special for some 118's. Thanks for the post and good luck.
  12. S

    Kroil in the bore

    To echo Lees comment I was told by Bruce Thom at BAT that if you want something to work don't use kroil on it. I learned a hard lesson about it when I was using it to keep the firing mechanism of my bat bolt lubricated. The kroil turned to a varnish and had to be machined out of the inside of...
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    Benchrest Build Help NEEDED

    Manitou, You will definitely get some good information from the posters here, and I am sure that you will also get some questions regarding your intended purpose of this gun. A LV class gun has some fairly finite limitations as to action type, scope weight, and stock type. If you will be...
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    IBS Annual Meeting Coming Up

    Will you be going? If so, look forward to meeting you in person. Mike
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    IBS meeting

    Anyone from the CT,MA,VT or other New England region going this year and want to split gas and the hotel? Haven't made reservations yet, but have the time off and want to make it weather permitting. Mike
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    Congratulations KL Miller, 2 new Varmint Hunter Class records.

    I had the pleasure to shoot with KL a few times this year and it was amazing to watch him put on his 6x "clinic" at each match. Up in VT at 200yds he shot 4 solid 10's (don't remember the x's) and started packing up his gear. A selfless competitor notified him that he still had one more to go...
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    On the subject of ethics - -

    I have to score my own targets from time to time and I make it a point to be aware of my own target and if there is even a close call I will get a referee to score it. It is my view that if you are cheating at a club match you will be found quickly and will not be welcome very long. If at a...
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    Benchrest reloding equipment???

    T-CAIN, If the search results don't bring about a satisfactory enough answer for you, you will probably help narrow our field of answers a bit by defining your shooting discipline for us. There are some very purpose built pieces of reloading equipment out there that might be right for some...
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    IBS and Precision Shooting Magazine

    Thanks for keeping us posted, Jeff.
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    Veterans day

    I'll second that. Be sure to thank anyone who has allowed us to do what we do everyday, and never asked for anything in return.