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  1. Fiddler

    Firing Pin strike depth & 6 vs. 12

    Jack, What are you really trying to say????? Speak up! Thanks Landy!
  2. Fiddler

    The "Crawfish" Shoot

    Mel, I'm sure he does, ifen he doesn't I'll go out and buy 5 more pounds to add to his. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, come on down.
  3. Fiddler

    Hollybrook ARA Results

    Jason, Looks like your still shooting the lights out, damn great Aggs. You better save that ammo for the outside shoots, you'll be the man to beat this season.
  4. Fiddler

    The "Crawfish" Shoot

    Dang IM barrels, how about a 360 degree firing pin setup?
  5. Fiddler

    Hypothetical about sound

    Damn Dave S, what's up??
  6. Fiddler

    Lot Testing Questions

    Blood, Buy youself 4 to five lots of ammo (at least 2 boxes each) and then test. Shoot 5 shot groups with each (more than one or two) and then a target with 25 bulls. When you find the lot that works best for your guns then buy. No one that I know sells just a few rounds for testing. Oh, it's...
  7. Fiddler

    Kent, No problem with your post on the forum. I understood what you were saying. There is a...

    Kent, No problem with your post on the forum. I understood what you were saying. There is a Newbie for Ga that tends to run off at the mouth without knowing what's going on. He's a great guy, but speaks before he has the facts. It's my understanding that only three of us have ever shoot 250...
  8. Fiddler

    Need a better bag for my Fudd Tops

    I've deleted all my messages, try again to send me somehting. $5.00 for the small side bags and $10.00 for the longer skinny center bags.
  9. Fiddler

    A Personal and a Business Decision

    Kent You are correct, I had let that slip my mind. Keith Loven also shot one in 2009, I believe. Gateway is a very tough place to shoot a 250, let alone shooting one with one of these little Sporters.
  10. Fiddler

    A Personal and a Business Decision

    Jim Not this year, but you need to check the stats from last year. 250-16X, guess who?
  11. Fiddler

    Need a better bag for my Fudd Tops

    Chris Whenever you feel a need to! Just keep an eye on the bag and when it seems to be getting packed down tight, then do it. Afterwards set the gun in the bag and work it back and forth to level and shape it.
  12. Fiddler

    A Personal and a Business Decision

    Mr Stiller Sure wish you could make it to the shoot, it's more fun than a barrel of Monkeys with the hiccups. Plus the fact that I'm sure a lot of people would like to get a sneak peek at your new Action. Make it to Alabama (LA) Lower Alabama and you can ride with me. I-10 is a straight shot to...
  13. Fiddler

    A Personal and a Business Decision

    Wow, You Da Man! Thanks for clearing that subject up, had me worried for a while. I've been crying in my Rice Crispies ever since I heard the word that 12:00 ignition was dead forever. Maybe I can talk one of the other EXCELLENT gunsmiths we have, to work on my 4 BC rifles if ever the need...
  14. Fiddler

    Need a better bag for my Fudd Tops

    If a bag is filled too tight or packed too tight it will induce a bounce for you gun in recoil. Filled correctly it should absorb the tendency of the gun to bounce. This is an area that when I fill a new bag, I test after I fill. You can always add or remove sand as needed. For bags that are...
  15. Fiddler


    Pick Of those you have mentioned, I shoot a little of all and concentrate mainly on the one I like best. I would get a few targets of each to practice with, to see which you enjoy more. Also as mentioned, concentrate on Doping the wind as you practice.
  16. Fiddler

    Turbo feeding Woes

    Pete Sounds like you just need to adjust or some say tweek your loading ramp.
  17. Fiddler

    First match of 2011

    Are we going to let Gene be the Captain the first 1/4 of the season??
  18. Fiddler

    First match of 2011

    It will be interesting to see what difference if any, between these guns shooting outside verses shooting inside. I guess I'm in bad shape, I have 4 guns built by BC that he will no longer work on due to the fact that they have 12 O' clock firing pins. Guess I can take them to the Police...
  19. Fiddler

    Hollybrook Indoor ARA Results

    Jason Great shooting, guess I should have stayed, but when you can't see a clear target it ain't good. Got an appointment sch. with the ole eye Dr. to have things checked out.
  20. Fiddler

    Cleaning Box/Double Wooden Cradles

    Marc, What do they measure?? Side to Side X Length X Height. Thanks!