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  1. L

    bolt port config?

    I'm right handed/left eye dominant & shoot lefty. Also from a rf background where shooting this way a right port matters In cf I've found it makes no difference as its much easier to load. I ended up with a local rblpre gun in my search to get into cf. I must look like a 3rd base coach with my...
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    Bedding procedure ?

    Not a wax ring for a toilet........don't ask! :) Keith
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    2019 Indoor National Sporter and Three Gun Matches at Piney Hill Va. 16-17 March 2019

    Tony, you're so right about the great weekend we all had down there. Lots of laughs & great competition. Ken & I didn't have very high expectations going into it but knew the weekend would be fun nonetheless. Its the great friendships that make the trip worth the long drive. For us to have done...
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    Getting Started

    The important thing in all this is to get people started, The easiest way to do that is to either let the use their own equipment or borrow others. Most want to shoot their own. I had discussed my dilemma about a few guys with wrong rifles to Wayne & asked if classes could shoot...
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    Front rest ear tension

    What are you using for a rest? Also, is the top left to swivel, or locked down? What steps are you taking in the initial setup? This is important. Keith
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    30br vs 6ppc?

    When I reached out for help getting into cf Everyone steered me to the .30. Better in wind, bigger hole, easier tune, yady yada. We've all heard it before. I just figured if the 6 in more accurate, & I could hit more dots with a 6, dots were what separated the winners from the also came. I took...
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    End of my shooting days

    I've seen this coming all last season Klayton & I'm truly sorry it come to this. Its been an adventure for sure! Take care of you my friend! Keith
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    Getting Started

    Which is what I had said Peter. Know what there is available for you to shoot before buying anything. We're the same sporter heavy at Lincoln County up in ME. To a fault probably as neither William or I get much attendance. We still allow anyone to shoot whatever they bring however. Another...
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    Getting Started

    !st go to the club you intend to shoot & see what they're doing. Sanctioned br matches, or something different. Find out the rules to be sure whatever you buy conforms to them. If its informal br matches one of the factory guns may compete. i.e, Annie, 40x, Suhl, Cooper, etc. But if its...
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    Luby,s just lost my business.

    Jackie, I understand where you’re coming from. And I respect you immensely. However, I’m a little disappointed any device was brought out at all. Just a little pet peeve I have while out to dinner with family. Keith
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    Thank you Wayne Wills

    Nice post Bruce! I concur wholeheartedly. A couple things I'd like to add is the open line with Wayne. The other thing was his unwillingness for any significant change to the classes we all shoot. That right there showed me his heart is in the right place. Thank You Wayne, Kay, & Anna for all...
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    Congratulations TKH

    I want to congratulate Tony on an incredible year, & IR50 career. This year he massed 277 HOF points. Which in itself is incredible. I am in awe of the dedication it took to do this! He also surpassed Mr. Deneen at the top of the list, which I think we all knew he was after, finally! 731.5...
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    Thank you for 2018

    Thank You TKH Geez Tony you sure did put the miles on this year! Wow! Of course the scuttlebutt was you chasing the HOF points which I'm positive is true. However, in the discussions I've had with you I've never met someone with the the passion you have for IR50. And when you told me you wanted...
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    F y i

    Thanks Pete, but although I can exhibit patience at times, not for that looooonng! Hope you're feeling better! Keith
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    F y i

    Pete, the lathe at work I'm most comfortable with spindle is about a ft too long. I tried between centers but it didn't go well due to vibration. So I made a bushing. Turned the uncut barrel O.D. true with each end of the bore & slid it into the spindle. Worked well for me. I've since bought a...
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    Ole Slick puts on a show

    You sure do try hard Bill & it shows! I'm envious of the turnouts you ARA guys have & believe your promotions on the other site play a large role. Hope our paths cross again some day! Keith
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    Shipyard stories

    Bump for Mort Mort, it hasn't been deleted. I've enjoyed it. Keep it coming guys! Keith
  18. L

    .22 lr rim thickness

    Seems like you’ve drawn the short straw of late Pete. Get well my friend! Keith
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    Jim Goody Email

    PM sent. Keith
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    .22 lr rim thickness

    Classic Tim This is one of the Classics! LMAO then, & now 3 years later!. Tim, you seem to have a somewhat softer side now. Keith