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  1. D

    A good .22 round

    Blackbirds... "...four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie..." Probably ok in Texas, wonder if they taste like chicken ?
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    Kimber .22 svt accuracy problem

    Asking too much I think... Hi Chris, I think you are asking too much. "I'm after something off the shelf, bolt action 5 shot, nothing custom built. Bearing in mind that I'm not a competition benchrest shooter, I want it to shoot less than 1/2" at 55yds and ideally <3/4" at 110yds with ammo at...
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    42 yards, water test, stopped muzzle

    Water in the bore, on purpose... I seem to remember the old black powder precision shooters would have a tube to blow into the bore between shots to keep the "gunk" a bit moist and it improved accuracy and allowed more shots between cleanings. I guess this doesn't really relate, but thought I...
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    Dream Gun

    A bit of perspective... If we could magically have a rifle that would allow us to shoot a 250-25X each time, we would tire of it pretty soon. And everyone we shoot with would tire of us. I think the satisfaction of almost anything comes from the "becoming", the hard work in learning and...
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    Gun Selection for Beginner?

    Thread to look at... Take a look, 3 pages of discussion & info here. The rifle looks nice. On page 2 there is a reproduction of an article and info given as to the rifle's weight etc. I don't think you will go wrong with the rifle...
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    How to get more participation...

    I will be heading South soon... Hi AJ, I should be there by the end of October. Looking forward to it. I am trying to get a scoped rifle for Florida. Worse come to worse, I will bring one I already own down along with some ammo it likes. Boy, I wish someone would make a good trigger for...
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    How to get more participation...

    Back to Dave Shattuck, again Dave Shattuck says -----"What I said was, and I quote: "They fit all of the criteria for being a Sporter Class gun, so would only be disqualified if they don't make weight, had a composite stock, or were sporting too strong a scope, and that would only be done after...
  8. D

    Cleaning, misc. thoughts

    Thanks Doug... I have ordered bore guides for a couple of rifles and find the .17 rod will flex enough to do the job.
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    How to get more participation...

    A bit confused now... Dave Shattuck says (On other rifles being allowed to shoot) " would only be disqualified if they don't make weight, had a composite stock, or were sporting too strong a scope, and that would only be done after the match." Now Dave, I also have typed at 3 in the...
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    How to get more participation...

    Back to Fiddler Hi Steve, I did and they said no, a rule is a rule. I am the new kid on the block and solved the problem by buying a Sporter class rifle. I can afford that today, but some years back I wouldn't have been able to. I feel sorry for folks in an economic bind. Also, I didn't...
  11. D

    wind shooting

    On attendance... There is the post under participation with much the same discussion going on and just read Dave S's last post here. Dave, I looked at a map program and your local club is about 3 hours from my home at Barefoot Bay, Florida. That is just North of Sebastian. I will try and get...
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    How to get more participation...

    Reply to Mickey Law Mickey Law asks: "Could you please tell me where it says in the rules that you can't shoot a heavy gun while everyone else is shooting sporters. I have shot IR/50 3 gun for several years and I didn't know you couldn't. Of course the score wouldn't count. The only thing I...
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    How to get more participation...

    As I understand the rules... As I understasnd the rules, if you don't own a Sporter class rifle, you can't shoot in the Sporter class event. The fellow I quoted in my first post doesn't have one, and will not drive a long distance just to shoot in two events. This leaves open the possibility...
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    How to get more participation...

    David to Dave, a bit more on this... Hi Dave, You have not mentioned one problem that would take place, and I for one, can't see any in the shooting of an event. Now, I will agree that problems can arise in regards to posting the results, but that is not a problem for the shooting line. .22...
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    How to get more participation...

    The Wind Shooting thread got transformed into issues of participation and in one of the posts a member said "...If I could go and shoot 8 or 10 targets on a week-end, or a 6 target tournament, I might consider a little more traveling, but we don't have Sporter Class rifles and to travel that...
  16. D

    wind shooting

    Thread blown off course, by the wind ? It seems that this thread on shooting in the wind has been blown off course. But it is an interesting course. If I read these posts correctly it seems that some folks are only enjoying the sport if they are winning. Unfortunately that seems to be true...
  17. D

    Kimber model 82 govt.

    One place to look for info... Try and go to the section about Kimbers. I have a Government CMP, but have not heard of any after market triggers. Some folks modify the factory trigger, but I don't have the skills to do that. At least one person modified...
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    Holbrook August 17 IR 50/50 Reschedule

    Me too... God willing and the creek don't rise, I will be there.
  19. D

    Cleaning, misc. thoughts

    I sent this out to friends, then decided to post it here as others may have some thoughts to share. I got around to my seldom cleaning of my .22 rimfire rifles. I am of the camp that thinks they don't need to cleaned very often. In no particular order: 1. Some .22 cleaning patches are so big...
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    Equipment Lists . . .

    Thanks for the list... I found it interesting and gives me lots to think of. Some of the thoughts may lead to spending money. But, others lead me to be satisfied with some of the equipment I already have.